
Fvk it, I'm going to completely overhaul 'New Additions' see y'all when I finally get the new one up and posted


Didn't know goose bumps could hurt until today,
          Long story short, badly scraped up knee yesterday
          Today got goose bumps, my leg feels on fire


@GalaxiaDraconican the body has way too many ways to be hurt with out reason.... I mean the painful neck turn is one I mean why.... its not like we always suddenly turn our neck and those few seconds is hell


@Akiresa gods I wish it did TwT


@GalaxiaDraconican you learn something new everyday.... hope it feels better now 


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Guess who had one of the most fucking terrifying nightmares of my life last night?
          So basically it was a black and white nightmare (exept you could still see colores, mainly red). With a creepy stereotypical Asian lady horror monster (human torso in a kimono, long black hair, small face with an unreasonablely large mouth with a ridiculous amount of teeth, and a very not human lowar body, long serpentine and cat like with may to many freaking legs) that would hid in paintings, and I had to find her in a painting to pass the 'level' (exercising her from each I think) each level being a singular room with dozens of random paintings (never any doors I would just be teleported to the next). So I did that around twenty times(?) With each one being unique, and then I came to the boss room, where she came out of the fucking painting like the ring ghosts after I shot it with something, and then I had to run around a tiny ass room turning on red small industrial lights that would distract her before flickering off. So I had to get to a specific point before she killed me and then we would go to another weird room (one was without gravity so I would just run along walls but she could too and she was ever so slightly faster then me) and that happend at least five to six more times until I finally woke up! EXEPT I WAS GOING THROUGH SLEEP PARALYSIS AND SHE CAME AFTER ME IN MY OWN ROOM
          Then finaly FINALY I woke up, and proceeded to sob because wtf was this shit that I just went through (again technically because this is the second time I've had this dream exept last time she killed me during the first boss room)


@GalaxiaDraconican that almost sounds like it could be a horror game wait-


@GalaxiaDraconican ALSO IT WAS PERFECTLY SILENT EXEPT For the monsters claws scraping the floor, water dripping in the distance, the monsters wails growls and other sounds, and also the electric buzzing of the lights


            Go ask your parents about the history of any paintings in your house 


To the sign outside the church I just saw:
          If I cast all my anxietys onto Jesus, he'd get an anxiety disorder!


@5543mj I mean it is not wrong... the Preacher does tell what he'll is and how avoid.... but it could be interpretation wrong too :D


I saw I sign outside of a church that said: “Want to know what hell is? Listen to our preacher!”


Honestly i wouldnt put my anxiety on Jesus.... i mean he already died once for us cant we let the guy rest? I mean even if i was selfless being that sacrificed myself for all of himanity... even i would need peace after all that stuff.... dunno i just think weirdly about this... sure he is son of God but then again arent we all tehnically Gods children? He just was one probably of very few close to God that has existed