Hey! I saw your message about novelhd. Thanks for letting me know. I'm sending them a DMCA email now to get it taken down (hopefully). I hope it works out for you as well! What an absolutely horrible practice... :(

@BrownieDreamer65 Hi! I'm sad to say my stuff is still on it, in part because I haven't the time to get it sorted (I'm selfpublishing some works and it's a LOT of work). You can follow the advice on this site: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/359772 But... what I ran into initially is that there's a language barrier and they just don't care as they are based somewhere in Asia and are a bit more untouchable because they just blatantly disregard stuff. Which REALLY sucks and is REALLY scummy. Please let me know if you managed to get through to them. I've run into the same problem with another app as well sadly so I'm now fighting two fronts. Blegh... Best to you! Don't let it stress you too much.

I mean my own stories (My text was a bit weird). All 3 of them :'( I would really like advice

@thethornsofmylife Hi. Do you know how to send DMCA stuff? I'm tired of it existing on there ): It is still on there and it fills me with a little rage