
Just now I returned from my trip to Puerto Princesa and found you guys has completed the target. I will now sit for writing. Aziel within me was on a trip to fresh her mind hahaha so have patience. I will update as soon as possible!


@GalaxyEmir Author its been 8 days 


Update author pilij


@GalaxyEmir author we want pictures of the places u visited becoz the name itself sounds fascinating....if u could add pics in the end of chp☺️


Hey author I don't wanna be rude. I've been a fan of your works for a long time and I know you don't get satisfied with chapters easily but in the latest update you set a target of votes and promised for the next chapter as soon as the target was completed and you said that the next chapter was all ready to publish. It's been 13 days now. I'm sorry but you shouldn't have promised an update when you knew you couldn't fulfill it on time. I'm not trying to be insensitive, you might've had your own reasons but you just shouldn't have said that you would update and the chapter is all ready when you going to rewrite it or couldn't publish on time. It's disappointing as a reader. I hope you understand my point :/