AND I am back dundudnhuh *blows trumpets eats cake throws a party* wow I am so extra sorrryyy. Anyway wow dat was drama thank God its over our parents forced us to "apologize" wow so ironic jkjk. So anyway I am back now and yes I will still be writing the book along with Yousef hehe . we sorted things out we are friends again everything good but not rlly everything we stilll have a pandemic and everything is on lock down tho i did eat MacDonalds ice-cream through the drive through yesterday that was nice anyway i wanted to give an update of everything soo yeah lets start: UPDATE
-Me and Yousef will both be writing the book like we were before now nothing has changed tho we sorted out a few problems and we will not have one of these weird fights again hopefully
-We changed the name to galaxy fennec bear cause we never rlly liked the name adrianandassia anyway and we wanted to change it but we didn't know how so yaydada it is galaxy fennec bear now as a fennec fox is one of yousefs fav animal and its safe to say i am in love with koala bears and we both have an unhealthy obsession over galaxies thus the name
-Also I am going to be writing books on my own whether i write it on this acc or make my own acc I have not decide yet as always loved writing since i was 5 and i hope to becoming a successful writer one day and i always wanted to share my books with the world and see if they are actually a little good as ik it doesn't seem like it but i often get insecure abt my writing and everything... so i have this idea on writing a book called what if you saw the world through my eyes i want to writ abt a blind girl and the reality of being blind as i feel like media portrays blind people in a very stereotypical way and i want to change that i also have a few other ideas but i will hush for now so let me know your thoughts
thanks for reading know your loved byee
-z <3
I would like to mention that Z has decided to leave the book so from now onwards it only my book, that is the reason for all the changes in the profile... don't worry the book will still be the same - y
We are so thankful for 400 reads and we are so thankful for the 4/7 people who know us for sacrificing your time to tap the follow button and to our friends who we forced to read our book :)
-z and y
No but seriously guys thank you so much it feels amazing to know so many people read our book
- z and y <3