
Okay, so I've spent a little bit of time on making some character designs! And yes I am aware that the clothing isn't particularly accurate but it's the best that I could do with what I have. It's Valentina, Sabina, Boudicca (in that order). I may make other characters in the future but I'm not sure yet. And yes I did make slight changes to Boudicca's appearance (I wasn't overly happy with it)


Okay, so I've spent a little bit of time on making some character designs! And yes I am aware that the clothing isn't particularly accurate but it's the best that I could do with what I have. It's Valentina, Sabina, Boudicca (in that order). I may make other characters in the future but I'm not sure yet. And yes I did make slight changes to Boudicca's appearance (I wasn't overly happy with it)


Okay I'm thinking of just completely rewriting Sorcerors, cause lets be honest, it's not that great.... But everyone has a first story that's sh*t right? Or maybe it's just me... but never mind about that, hopefully it's a bit better the second time around *dramaticly hits play on my writing music* lets do this!


I have finished editing Gladiator (for now) and there is a little extra bit in chapter 3. I'm writing up chapter 4 right now, and the old chapter 4 will become chapter 5..... then chapter 6 is almost done. Which was going to be chapter 5.... but.... yeah. It will all make sense soon I promise!