Alright Everyone! I will be taking in requests for One Shots for Anime and Different Fandoms! Please reply to this message or pop me a private message of what you would like me to write! I will also dedicate it to the user's who request them! I don't bite and will write anything. If there is a certain time you'd like your request done by please let me know. If there are any other details that you'd like me to include, for example: have all them be apart of a group or put in a certain situation, then please let me know that as well. There is also not a limit on the amount of Characters. I will type up the form you can all fill out. Just put "None" If you don't want anything for the optionals. Request Form: Characters: ______ x ______ Fandom: ________ Setting (Optional): _______ Theme (Optional): _______ Details (Optional): _______ Extras (Optional): _______ Smut (Optional):______