
Hey guys! I've been tagged by @mmci_61323 to answer these questions.
          	1. Whats my name
          	Names Red. Not my real name, but its fun being a mystery.
          	2. How old am I
          	I'm 15 years old
          	3. When is my birthday
          	August 2
          	4. Whats your Zodiac Sign
          	5. Are you a girl or a boy
          	6. What position do you play while playing football
          	AHAHA if I could play football. I literally play everything BUT football/soccer. Lacrosse, swim, basketball, rowing.
          	7. Who is you favourite retired football player
          	Mia Hamm, David Beckham and Thierry Henry
          	8. Who is you favourite South American player
          	Ooh, I don't really have one. But for the sake of Blue I'll say Lauatro Martinez
          	9. Favourite player who is isn't retired
          	I'd have to say Christian Pulisic, Paulo Dybala, Antione Griezmann, Fran Kirby and Alexia Putellas
          	10. Single or taken
          	11. Favourite singer
          	I love Hailee Stienfeld, BTS, Dua Lipa and Andy Black
          	12. Favourite Kardashian
          	I don't have one. I don't watch a lot of TV, don't really have the time nor the patience.
          	13. Dream car
          	Yeah..again don't really have one. Umm I love motorcycles so maybe a 2021 Kawasaki Z H2
          	14. Favourite football team ever
          	15. Favourite national team
          	Womens: USA, Canada, England, Netherlands and Spain 
          	Mens: England, Argentina and Germany
          	16. Which player is the same height as you
          	Lorenzo Insigne, same as Blue
          	17. Tag someone you would like to answer these questions


Hey guys! I've been tagged by @mmci_61323 to answer these questions.
          1. Whats my name
          Names Red. Not my real name, but its fun being a mystery.
          2. How old am I
          I'm 15 years old
          3. When is my birthday
          August 2
          4. Whats your Zodiac Sign
          5. Are you a girl or a boy
          6. What position do you play while playing football
          AHAHA if I could play football. I literally play everything BUT football/soccer. Lacrosse, swim, basketball, rowing.
          7. Who is you favourite retired football player
          Mia Hamm, David Beckham and Thierry Henry
          8. Who is you favourite South American player
          Ooh, I don't really have one. But for the sake of Blue I'll say Lauatro Martinez
          9. Favourite player who is isn't retired
          I'd have to say Christian Pulisic, Paulo Dybala, Antione Griezmann, Fran Kirby and Alexia Putellas
          10. Single or taken
          11. Favourite singer
          I love Hailee Stienfeld, BTS, Dua Lipa and Andy Black
          12. Favourite Kardashian
          I don't have one. I don't watch a lot of TV, don't really have the time nor the patience.
          13. Dream car
          Yeah..again don't really have one. Umm I love motorcycles so maybe a 2021 Kawasaki Z H2
          14. Favourite football team ever
          15. Favourite national team
          Womens: USA, Canada, England, Netherlands and Spain 
          Mens: England, Argentina and Germany
          16. Which player is the same height as you
          Lorenzo Insigne, same as Blue
          17. Tag someone you would like to answer these questions