This is a rant look not everyone is perfect and not everyone is bad but today I am going to explain a little about why I HATE doctors. Number one doctors have on multiple occasions left my badly injured brother to nearly die or get worse in condition. I am not jokeing my brother at 4 years old was very sick he was passed out limp in my mother arms and they made her wait when she was in the emergency room I'm sorry, but if someone walks into a room called the emergency room and your not helping them that's messed up. And on a different occasion when my brother broke a bone they again made my brother wait in pain with no painkillers ice pack or nothing for two hours! And the worst of all the things a doctor ever did was turn my grandma away when she was dying and I have no way to know, but if they had let her in I think she would have lived I am going to be blunt doctors don't care about your health they care about how fast they can get back out and in again to them your not a person your money not all doctors are like this, but a lot are and I am not the only one who has stuff like this happen to them.