The first chapter of a The Dragon Prince fanfiction I have been working on with @TheGoldenAtlas has just been published!
Go check it out! (Warning: It contains major spoilers for season three so if you haven't watched it yet then go watch it first before you read this)
So this is my attempt at spreading love. Imagine a world where we gave hugs freely, where we actually love our neighbors as ourselves, Where the only race is human, and the only religion is love. If you are reading this, it means you mean a lot to me.❤
Spread the love ❤✨
The first chapter of a The Dragon Prince fanfiction I have been working on with @TheGoldenAtlas has just been published!
Go check it out! (Warning: It contains major spoilers for season three so if you haven't watched it yet then go watch it first before you read this)
Me: Wow! This fanfic is so good! Wait! No! Does it end on a cliffhanger?! What happens next?
Fanfic: To be continued... (Last updated: 1890)
Them: WhY Do yOU ShiP TheM?!
Me: He literally said he loves her-
Them: NoT alL mALe fEmale ReLAtionshiPs havE tO Be romANtic YoU knOW
Also them: *Two female characters are on screen together for 1 minute* OH My gOD tHEY aRE so cUTE thEY shOUld gET mArriED iF thIS shIP isN't cANon thEn I wiLL leAve tHE fAndom
@GalaxyWolfQueen13 I'm not here to fight or hurt anyone's feelings. In my opinion it's gross for same genders to get married. It doesn't have to be everyones.
Some girls think mud is gross while others don't.
@SkyeAlnamar Same! They are so wholesome and I love their personalities and humor.
Also what season are you currently on? I don't want to spoil anything