Wait where are all the stories?

@Theheack They are probably deleted or unpublished or something. I honestly don't know. Here's a note for anyone who has ever published their fanfics or anything onto the internet: If you feel embarrassed about your story or like it isn't very good, know that, especially when there is a lot of reads, there are people who like the story. They'll want to come back. There will be people who are new to the story, and will enjoy it. The My Best Friend Varian story got soooo popular! And I love it, even though the grammar isn't the best. If you feel like your story isn't good, that's normal. Because (almost) everyone is biased about their own creations, judging it, noticing everything they "did wrong", whatever. But even if you feel like your story isn't that good, there are plenty of people who think otherwise. And if people tell you your story isn't good, sometimes you really should try to see what you can do to improve it, and maybe you should anyway, but you shouldn't listen to people who just want to hate on all of everything, or if they just aren't in the mood. But you shouldn't curse them or hate them or anything, either. Forgive them, and let it go. I know that your stories most likely aren't really bad. They're probably pretty good! And there's always, ALWAYS room for improvement. Even the best of writers can get better. So, please don't delete them. It would only be sad for people. If you realize that your stories really were morally wrong or something, at least give a notice to explain the deletion. Here is a note to people who make their kids delete their work off the internet: Unless there is a serious problem with what your child is looking at on the website, or if you have a problem with the commenters, please don't delete everything off your child's account, because there are people who enjoy those stories. They would be sad to see them gone. Another possibility is that Wattpad deleted them. Too bad, that people delete their own stories...