this message may be offensive
I haven't been on here in a very long time and I wanna say sorry. I havent had the energy, but I understand my Genderfluid 101 book is receiving lots of attention lately.
To all of my followers, I'm sorry I've stopped posting, but I have gotten a job and have college classes to focus on while I transition to my senior year of highschool.
I need to explain to everyone that I wrote the first chapter of my gender book 3 years ago, 2 years after joining Wattpad. Specifically in Genderfluid 101, I've grown as a person. Please understand this when judging my previous ideals. I did not understand that some things I have said may have been slightly biased or offensive.
I do not think I will continue to update the book as I do not have much time to continue doing what I did before- spending hours helping others. While I loved doing it, it was taking a toll on my mental health and that is why I stopped.
I'm not going to delete my account, but I will stop using this platform. I would like to update one last time on my identity, as I know for sure I am autistic now. I am looking into autigender as something that may be me. My autism plays a huge role in my life and I'm questioning if that includes my gender as well.
I want you all to know that you don't have to have it all figured out. You can change your labels so many times if you want. Being human is fluid, in everything. Ideologies, personal relationships (with others and yourself), and so, so much more. No one can tell you who you are and you are valid. As long as you aren't a bigot, don't want to fuck animals, and aren't willingly a pedophile, then you are valid.
I love you all. Thank you for following my journey from 6th grade to 12th. I've grown as a person because of this platform and I will never forget it. Bye, at least for now :)