PSA to ALL of my followers: This account, along with the majority of my presence on this app/site, is no longer in use. I do not enjoy what I used to anymore, I even took down my books besides, one? Two? I'll still be on to read people's stories that I enjoyed, but I myself will not read/send messages, nor write here anymore. Sure, there were many good memories, but I'd rather not return here, where the majority of my shame in this fandom comes from. I really do not want to deal with being reminded of how uneducated I was just a few months ago. I have actually come far as a person in this fandom. Goodbye.

@Galaxy_exists Well it's sad to hear you won't make any fanfics here anymore but as long as you're happy, I'm happy. Besides we can still talk on discord

@Galaxy_exists Well that's sad, but I hope you enjoy whatever you do next friend. :}