
B: YO! we finally finished the second chapter!
          	G: and it isn't that long......
          	B: SHUT UP! They don't need to know that!


G: S-Sorry, we haven't been on for like months.......
          B: Yeah, we got caught up with.... stuff....
          G: But we're here now!
          B: Yeah... if you didn't-!
          G:WELP! I guess all we can say is we're STILL working on the story. BUT, if you have any suggestions we can try to do that!
          B: GAL-!


G: hey, sorry we haven’t been on lately. We have been making some adjustments to our story.... hopefully we should be getting a new chapter soon...
          B: maybe if you weren’t so nice and happy all the time then we would be able to get this done faster.
          G: *sniff* but I love being nice!
          B: yeah yeah but seriously I think it’s delaying us.
          G: Fine!


B: hey dork it's almost Christmas
          G: *wakes up* Blazy?
          B:c'mon it's time to go decorate
          G: *looks at her like she’s gone mad* it’s five in the morning
          B: plenty of time to decorate c'mon let's go get up.
          G: *blinks sleep from eyes* 
          G: *gets a smug look* Ohhhhh!
          B: dont you dare try and take advantage of me getting up so early. This is just for decorating
          G: *laughs* you like Christmas! 
          B: it's the only holiday where you get free stuff
          G: okay okay.... group huggg!!!
          B: nonononononononono
          *everyone appears including Shade and Estrella and gives a group hug with Blaze in the middle.*
          B: UGGGGGGG
          G: don’t be so modest you know you love it!
          B: nope not at all
          G: *turns towards the viewers* oh, well.... happy holidays!
          B: give lots of gifts
          G: *looks at Galaxy* I thought you didn’t care?
          B: ok byeeee *runs away*
          G: *chases Blaze* get back here!!!
          B: you'll never catch me alive!!


          B: Yeah, Gal?
          G: We’re you asleep again?
          G: *watches blaze snore loudly* BlAZE!!!
          B: AHHH!!
          B: Whattttttt!!
          G: Aren’t we gonna say good morning with our viewers?
          B: *whispers while looking away* good morning.
          B: There you happy?
          G: you still didn’t say it to the viewers!!
          B: I don’t wannnna!
          G: okay then... Lunney!
          B: no no no, fine!
          G: TOO LATE
          B: NOOO!!!!
          *lunney appears and tackles Blaze to the ground*
          G: *turns towards readers* I hope you all have a good day and happy holidays!
          B: *groans* bye ya’ll...


G: good morning! I just wanted to say that we are in the process of making newer characters. So I’m going to introduce one of those new Characters today! Come on out, Lunney!
          L: hehe, I’m lunney! I like cupcakes, unicorns, and pranks!
          G:*turns towards lunney* what was that last part?
          L: nothing! ^^