
Oh look, surprisingly,  I’m not dead. 
          	Uh, yeah sorry for that long hiatus I took. I mostly took it for personal reasons and internet problems but now I’m able to put my attention back on my fan fics. I still have a little bit of writer’s block but it’s out of the way for the most part. And I actually have a great new idea for a fan fic! Currently I’m working on the next chapter of It’s Cold Outside since I already had a large portion of the chapter written prior to my writer’s block. Soon after that the next chapter of Stranded will come out (I’m still a little stuck on that one “:>) and I’ll gradually start to regulate my updates.
          	Once again, sorry I kept you guys waiting but I’m back and feel better than ever!


Oh look, surprisingly,  I’m not dead. 
          Uh, yeah sorry for that long hiatus I took. I mostly took it for personal reasons and internet problems but now I’m able to put my attention back on my fan fics. I still have a little bit of writer’s block but it’s out of the way for the most part. And I actually have a great new idea for a fan fic! Currently I’m working on the next chapter of It’s Cold Outside since I already had a large portion of the chapter written prior to my writer’s block. Soon after that the next chapter of Stranded will come out (I’m still a little stuck on that one “:>) and I’ll gradually start to regulate my updates.
          Once again, sorry I kept you guys waiting but I’m back and feel better than ever!


The new chapter for It's Cold Outside is finally out! The chapter was too long so o just decided to cut it in half. As long as the chapter is, it was actually gonna be soooooo much longer. Unfortunately, I still have internet problems and it's going to take a lot longer than I initially anticipated for me to get internet. Hopefully, the problem will be solved by next month.^^


I'm sorry for not updating for a while. There's been some problems with my internet recently that's made unable me to write on my computer or any other device except my phone. I know that if I were to attempt to finish up the drafts using my phone it would take a very unneeded, excessive amount of time than haulting my writing for a few days to fix the internet  problem and then go back to writing. So as soon as I have internet I will be able to write again. It really is quite coincidental due to the fact I was nearly done with writing the next chapter for It's Cold Outside. I've spent about a month writing it and I still have had yet to finish it. Currently it's over 6,000 words and will most likely be 7,000 once I've finished. Also I will be continuing Stranded as well so keep an eye for for that update too!
          Just hang in there till I have internet access again. The update for It's Cold Outside may be out in a few weeks at the most. :>


Hey I'm not trying to be snotty or rude but just so you know, you spelled Witch wrong in your bio. Sorry if that's annoying ":>


@Galaxybread413 no problem! And I like to be cautious cause of people who are easily offended lol 


@chivalrousCassonade Nah, it's fine. Thanks for telling me, I'll go fix it. I correct people on writing errors too. (I got accused of being rude when I was joking once oline.) Thanks again! ^^