Hey guys, to all of you that liked gerfulless: I erased it. Sorry.
But, that's just so I could do it better. A lot of people wanted galbunk's and creed's backstories, and people loved that tadaline combination with my best friend. So, I am making them into a trilogy. Gerful Origins (the one I just started on and published so go check it out) Gerful Uprising, and Gerful Destiny. I am hoping to have the whole series be done in about four years, with each book having about 30 to 40 chapters, with each chapter being about 600 to 1000 words, so much bigger this time around.
And as always, I will be teaming up with carson to get the best stories possible. So, I hope you like it.
And also, check out some of my friends works like Count down, and Hanging tree. See ya!