
And back on hiatus, unfortunately. My exam started next week and ended on 3rd Feb. Pray for me and have a nice day! Bye!


Guys, I'm thinking about writing a Tokyo Ghoul fanfic that follows the manga. What do you guys think? Honestly, Tokyo Ghoul fanfic is one of the fanfics that I have always wanted to write since I started writing here.


@Gale4Lifes we’ll stand behind you in support I’m down for a Tokyo ghoul story


How about Rize Kamishiro or Eto Yoshimura for the love interest?


@MariusB05 Exactly what I'm planning


Guys, just wondering... To those who read oshi no ko manga to the latest chapter, do you want me to follow exactly like the manga or changed it? (Those who read the latest chapter would know what will happen if I follow the manga exactly)


Honestly I’d say keep it exactly, only to see what everyone’s thought are after that. But you do you.


@ Gale4Lifes  whatever fits your story, dawg. Maybe Ame instead of Aqua, dunno


@ Gale4Lifes  However you prefer but I think it would be good


Hello, guys. First thing first, I want to apologize for breaking my promise on my last announcement. And as of now, I'm afraid I can't continue the book. I'm sorry, really sorry for my incompetence. I'm totally busy this year with competitions on top of my final exam for high school which will be in exactly 6 months from today. The only free time I have is next year when those two things will be already behind me. Again, I'm sorry. If you guys are so kind to wait till my exam ends, I'll really appreciate it. 
          And the second thing that I want to say here is that during my hiatus, one of my juniors from high school approached me seeking my help to write her own fanfiction on this same website. I'll appreciate it if you guys at least pay her account a visit. This is her account @Gyeol69. She didn't ask me to do this, but I'm doing it anyway.
          Again, I'm sorry for my incompetence.  I promise I'll return once my exam ends. I won't break my promise this time. I swear on my life. See you when I see you, bye.


@Gale4Lifes it's fine, relax. I'm getting ready for diploma so I can't even write a prologue for my own story. So don't worry, we can wait.


@Gale4Lifes please please focus on your exams! They come first! I hope to see you soon!


Hey, im in the same boat, so i know how you feel. Just take all the time you need and come back stronger and better 