
Hey All,
          	Check out my new book Power of a King, about Galbatorix's descent into madness and his rise to the throne of Alagaesia with the help of the thirteen forsworn.
          	Also, I've slightly updated the first thee chapters of Wyrda: Father of Dragons.
          	Finally, there is a chapter 3 in the Lands Beyond.


@ Galinor  "Pesky elves" sounds too British and too... block-ish ;)
          	  Maybe another one to the council: "The Brodding Kindom shall be reorganise into the First Alagaesian Empire... for safe and secure our... society". ;)


@Krakauer303 Sure, why not? To the Council: "Look at me. I am your King now" and to Vrael something on the lines of "Pesky elves. I never liked your kind".


Well now - you get me intrested :)
          	  Please spoil it to me: at his final hearing in front of old Raiders Council, he will say "I am the Council", and before killing Vrael he will say "When I left You I was but a learner, now I am the Master."? ;)


Hey All,
          Check out my new book Power of a King, about Galbatorix's descent into madness and his rise to the throne of Alagaesia with the help of the thirteen forsworn.
          Also, I've slightly updated the first thee chapters of Wyrda: Father of Dragons.
          Finally, there is a chapter 3 in the Lands Beyond.


@ Galinor  "Pesky elves" sounds too British and too... block-ish ;)
            Maybe another one to the council: "The Brodding Kindom shall be reorganise into the First Alagaesian Empire... for safe and secure our... society". ;)


@Krakauer303 Sure, why not? To the Council: "Look at me. I am your King now" and to Vrael something on the lines of "Pesky elves. I never liked your kind".


Well now - you get me intrested :)
            Please spoil it to me: at his final hearing in front of old Raiders Council, he will say "I am the Council", and before killing Vrael he will say "When I left You I was but a learner, now I am the Master."? ;)


Hey All!
          In an attempt to make me want to write more, and to make it a more fun reading experience for you, I wanted to give the opportunity to everyone to submit a character of their choosing in the book The Lands Beyond. The character you suggest will be used in some part of the story (I can't say if it will be important or not) but no chacacter will go to waste. So let us make this book one for the ages! Submit your characters in this link: 


@Galinor is there any chance of an update for The Lands Beyond?


Hello, member of the living. We thank you for following our undead army. 
          If you ever die and wish to rise from the grave as one of us, be sure to crack open our book "Join the Necro Community" before the maggots eat too much of you. 
          Even if you're alive, you may still stop by. Our account will soon open many shops hosted by our army, and you can wander around as you please. 
          If you have any questions, qualms, or anything else, simply leave us a message through PM. We will gladly respond as soon as possible.


Hey all!
          Wyrda: Father of Dragons is finally continued with The Lands Beyond -Book 6.
          I hope you all enjoy the new story! As always I am open to suggestions!


@Galinor please, update. It's been AGES.


          Happy new year to all with health, happiness and love! 
          Chapter 3 of Paladin's Quest is up for those of you wanting to read it.
          Also, for those of you who love reading Mystery books and watching Horror movies full of murders and detectives trying to solve them, there is a new contest in the JustWriteIt profile called SerialMystery. Check it out if you want!