Yahallo to all of u my lovely hybrids! I just wanted to let u guys know that I've transferred books I wrote on here onto my Quotev as well. That and my Quotev has more books. Anygays, also today is a wonderful day cause on my island Animecon has finally returned!! So I'll be going to it with a group of my friends. Some are going as the Akatuski, one as Raven from Teen Titans and finally, I'm going as Sebastian Michealis. It's my first time cosplaying, it won't be the best but it'll be fun. I would like to aplogize for the lack of updates in my books. From next month, hopefully I'll be able to get some updates out. I really hope u all r safe, healthy and in a gd mood. You all are wonderful people and I don't think I've actually expressed my gratitude to u all. So, thank u all so much for choosing to follow me and read my books. Love u guys so much. Now then, have a beautiful day, splendid night or a gorgeous afternoon. Love u all my special lil hybrids!~