Well bad news mostly, I had plans of working on my story a little every day (give or take and might just be a few lines) and I recently started school (YAAAY "FUN") and lunch would have been a great time to work on it BUT we had to get a new rule that applies to the whole city of no phones at all, that even includes in the morning when you step foot on school grounds, afterschool and of course lunch. To sum it up, I might be more consistent on updating or not cause I school first.
Now for some good news, I have least been updating a bit more, think I got half of a chapter done and since I plan on doing a poster of my drawings, I may end up doing a drawing book because why not. I do want to note that if I do make a drawing book, well my main medium is color pencils so don't expect anything fancy, even with the sketches themselves.