
Looking through my Google Docs, I have 20 documents with the first chapters of stories either half-written or begun. The reason I haven't posted these is because I know that if I start them, I'll have to write the entire story, which will takes a few years.
          	However, I've started to shift my mentality on certain things, and my stories are one of them.
          	The idea is that I write the first chapter of each of these stories, and let the public decide what comes next. I've begun doing this with Raison [D]'etre and Hidden Beneath the Waves, but that was a test run. I wanna try doing it for real now.
          	What you all will get is a collection of stories that will only have 1 chapter, but these chapters are designed to cover a decent amount and leave you wanting more (As all first chapters do). Each story will be different and tackle unique ideas that have been swimming around in my mind for years now.
          	But as always, I want to gather everyone's thoughts on doing this idea. The downsides will be that Dream in Drive will have a small break as I write these new projects, but who knows, you might find one you'll enjoy more.
          	I'll leave it to a vote, and afterwards, I'll announce all the 1st chapters I plan to write, and then hold another vote to see what people want the most.
          	Hopefully doing this means I'll be able to push out new ideas and projects onto paper for people to enjoy.
          	And that's about it.


Green Knight of Kuoh


@face-2119s I've already written the first chapter for that. I'm asking if people want me to continue publishing the first chapters in stories I plan to write


Looking through my Google Docs, I have 20 documents with the first chapters of stories either half-written or begun. The reason I haven't posted these is because I know that if I start them, I'll have to write the entire story, which will takes a few years.
          However, I've started to shift my mentality on certain things, and my stories are one of them.
          The idea is that I write the first chapter of each of these stories, and let the public decide what comes next. I've begun doing this with Raison [D]'etre and Hidden Beneath the Waves, but that was a test run. I wanna try doing it for real now.
          What you all will get is a collection of stories that will only have 1 chapter, but these chapters are designed to cover a decent amount and leave you wanting more (As all first chapters do). Each story will be different and tackle unique ideas that have been swimming around in my mind for years now.
          But as always, I want to gather everyone's thoughts on doing this idea. The downsides will be that Dream in Drive will have a small break as I write these new projects, but who knows, you might find one you'll enjoy more.
          I'll leave it to a vote, and afterwards, I'll announce all the 1st chapters I plan to write, and then hold another vote to see what people want the most.
          Hopefully doing this means I'll be able to push out new ideas and projects onto paper for people to enjoy.
          And that's about it.


Green Knight of Kuoh


@face-2119s I've already written the first chapter for that. I'm asking if people want me to continue publishing the first chapters in stories I plan to write


This will be a final post for a little bit. I've been focusing on Raison [D]'etre, Dream in Drive, Green Knight of Kuoh, and Mixed Nuts, trying to write them all and plan around them. And I overdid it. My brain couldn't keep up and it shut down on me. I can barely write nw, and when I do I can manage like 300 words before I get frustrated and start wanting to quit.
          In short; I burnt myself out bad
          So I'm just gonna take a small break, maybe I can get my writing back, but we'll just have to wait and see. I'm sorry to everyone who's been waiting and I hope you can forgive me. I'll try and write when I can, but I'm not expecting much
          Again, I'm sorry
          This is GamerGG7267, Signing off


@GamerGG7267 You did great rest recover and do what is needed for you


@ GamerGG7267  it's better this way, even if your stories are of the best i have read, it doesn't metter if that hurts you. Take all the time you need, and thank you for your stories


Take a break as long as you want, bro you deserve it for the hard work


To Green Knight of Kuoh Readers
          Welp, it's been a while. To explain what happened... I burnt myself out. Badly. And I kinda just dropped GKoK and pretended it didn't exist for a few months. But I've been doing a bit of writing and I have 3.7k words done so far. So hopefully a new chapter should release sometime next week


Take your time dude, no reason to rush 


"The sponsors almost shut us down today," David huffed, taking off his glasses to clear them. "They argued that having a weapon of this caliber that could think for itself was dangerous. That if a Villain got their hands on it, the android could be turned against us and the Pro Heroes. It took a lot of arguing, but William was able to convince them to allow us to continue our work, which I'm happy about," His face darkened slightly as he shook his head. "I didn't want another one of my inventions to be locked away again,"
          Shaking his head, he looked back into the camera with a calm and composed look on his face. "Well, I guess I should've expected this. Every invention has to go through the sponsors to be approved or not. To be given life, or to be killed off. To be or not to be, that is the question," David chuckled softly before his smile turned thoughtful. "To be?" He muttered to himself. Frowning, he reached over and turned off the camera.


@Slashman21 Ding! Ding! Ding! Although it's not exactly a crossover. I can't bring 2B into MHA without major plot holes, but I can have her be built in MHA


MHA/Nier crossover? Please I beg of you, that would be amazing in your style


What Sounds Cooler?
          Blood Oath
          Sanguine Sacrifice
          Blood Sacrifice


Eh depends on the context. Blood oath is more a pack between friends or allies, Blood sacrifice is more for describing rituals and sanguine sacrifice more describes rituals using other peoples blood 


@GamerGG7267 Blood Oath
            The simpler the word, the cooler it is when delivered. (some exceptions may apply)


This is for Dream in Drive.
          This is very important for the future of this story. Do you want there to be consequences in this story. It's harder to add stakes into this story since we already know Izuku and Asuna survive (Cause I want Izuku to have some love and a happy ending). This would concern side characters, so they might make mistakes or do actions that screw themselves or others over.
          Now by consequence, I mean something that will majorly effect the MC that will last through the story (Eg, Kirito losing Moonlit Black Cats in Canon). Something that won't be reverted by revival or a dues ex machina. So if they die, that's it, and the trauma will always be present. I've done something similar with Izuku dying in the current chapter, but he gets revived, so that doesn't make it a major consequence.
          So I'll let you all pick this. Keep in mind, this will be an important decision. So choose wisely


@azzy_dreamer12 oh and another thing, you could have izuku have nightmares, of him killing them over and over again, and asuna helps him through these nightmares and they begin to grow closer and closer, that's another thing you can do!


@GamerGG7267 soo, ive been thinking man, maybe he fails to save someone he known to care for and sees as a friend, and watched him or her die in front of him, not doing anything to help them
            Im not sure how you'll do that, but another idea i had is like, maybe he befriends a group of players, and they asked him to come with them, and they take him to a unknown place, then when they revealed themselves as killer players, he has no choice but to kill them, in order to live to see asuna again, and or his mother, thats another one you could do


So I've been thinking about the future of this story (And by that I mean all the chapters I have left). Nearly every chapter is planned with all major details set in stone. However, there are two episodes that I'm on the fence about. "Murder in the Safe Zone" and "Illusionary Avenger". From what I can recall, these two episodes have zero impact on the plot, and are just complete filler. If I'm wrong, please let me know.
          Every chapter so far has been big with character development, info regarding characters or items that will be built on later. or important pieces of the plot. These episodes have none of that (Again, that I can recall. Let me know if I'm wrong). So I've been thinking a bit, and I have 2 options.
          Either write the 2 chapters and add in story bits that will come in later.
          Write 2 Original chapters that have Izuku interacting and growing stronger bonds with Asuna, Agil and Silica


while story progress is always good, it's been progressing well so maybe focusing on character bonds might be better to balance it out if that's what you're looking for 


@GamerGG7267  you cand resend your discord code