
Hey guys today’s and next weeks update are going to be canceled because I have to study for finals. After finals I will resume regular updates. Thanks for understanding and to anyone else going through finals I wish you good luck!


Hey guys today’s and next weeks update are going to be canceled because I have to study for finals. After finals I will resume regular updates. Thanks for understanding and to anyone else going through finals I wish you good luck!


Hello guys! I’m starting up regular updates again! I’m also gonna start a few new stories including the sequel to Princess of Gotham. The new story is titled The Princess and her Dark Knight
          I hope you guys enjoy it and let me know about any story ideas you’d like me to give a shot at! I plan on doing stories outside of Marvel and DC as well!


@GamerHK I love your new story and just hope that Ace will again live with Joker I just finished reading first book and I'm literally crying it's just so heart braking but story is really amazing.❤


Hello everybody! I’m not dead! I’m sorry about the long hiatus but as I’m sure is the case for a few of you, there’s been a lot of death and uncertainty in my family. I can’t commit to my usual schedule at this time but I will be finishing Princess of Gotham and updating Loki’s adopted daughter to say on hiatus. When I come back I intend to start another book or two so let me know what you guys would look forward to seeing! Thank you guys for your patience and understanding