
          	I have a question. I never really asked this, and itā€™s be interesting to know.
          	What story do you want updated?
          	As you probably know, I have two stories right now. The one about Miraculous and the other about Murder Drones. As of now, the Murder Drones story is the one with the least amount of chapters, and the Miraculous one is the one whichā€™s more popular stat wise. Probably due to it having more chapters.
          	I was actually about to continue writing the murder drones story as I said Iā€™d do, but I was thinking about just continuing with the Miraculous one since itā€™s way closer to its end. Weā€™re close to a major plot point on both stories, and I canā€™t really decide.
          	So what exactly should I do? Write the next Murder Drones chapter and continue with the next Miraculous chapter after, or should I continue with Miraculous right away? I have no exact preference here, so itā€™s gonna come down to what you want.


Murder drones


@GamingJo321 I would prefer the murder drones one to be updated first


          I have a question. I never really asked this, and itā€™s be interesting to know.
          What story do you want updated?
          As you probably know, I have two stories right now. The one about Miraculous and the other about Murder Drones. As of now, the Murder Drones story is the one with the least amount of chapters, and the Miraculous one is the one whichā€™s more popular stat wise. Probably due to it having more chapters.
          I was actually about to continue writing the murder drones story as I said Iā€™d do, but I was thinking about just continuing with the Miraculous one since itā€™s way closer to its end. Weā€™re close to a major plot point on both stories, and I canā€™t really decide.
          So what exactly should I do? Write the next Murder Drones chapter and continue with the next Miraculous chapter after, or should I continue with Miraculous right away? I have no exact preference here, so itā€™s gonna come down to what you want.


Murder drones


@GamingJo321 I would prefer the murder drones one to be updated first


          Itā€™s been nearly a month since my last update post, so itā€™s about time I post another one, isnā€™t it? The reasons for this delay are simple. I just didnā€™t have anything useful to tell you, and Iā€™m not making these updates to tell you about my day to day life. Itā€™s primarily to inform you on story updates.
          Talking about those, while I havenā€™t made any actual progress with any new chapters, I do finally have a good finished outline for the next chapter of Last Stand. It should be enough to reach my minimum requirement of 4.5k words for a chapter. I actually wanted to write a little before today, but me being sick for a week and a school trip to Paris for another has made that quite difficult. My plan is to start on the next chapter today. Itā€™s maybe gonna come out in one to two weeks, if school isnā€™t gonna be a bitch about it.
          On the school trip Iā€™ve actually been to a mall and other various land marks in Paris, whichā€™ll maybe even help with my stories! So thatā€™s cool, I guess. I didnā€™t realize how different the real life versions of the places in MLB are. The Louvre is WAY bigger, let me tell ya. 
          Thatā€™s about everything I wanted to tell you. Iā€™m gonna update you maybe next Friday if I actually come around to writing. Bye!


          Iā€™m gonna be honest, after releasing the last chapter of my miraculous story no progress has been made. And thatā€™ll probably continue for a little while because of school. Maybe Iā€™ll find the time to write, but donā€™t count on it. 
          Other than that I think my week was pretty fine. Did my English vocal exam yesterday day. The teachers didnā€™t have any questions and I talked the whole way through, so I think I did pretty good! Goes to show how much watching English YouTube videos helps.
          I hope youā€™ll have a great weekend and Iā€™ll see you next Friday! Bye bye!


@GamingJo321 hey my man check out my 3 stores by any chance my friend?


@GamingJo321 I already created 3 stores check them out by any chance my friend?


@Terrasmasher23 I donā€™t need it. I wonā€™t write a story about it. It doesnā€™t catch my interest and there are multiple other shows Iā€™d rather mark a story about. But as they say, ā€œIf you want it done right you should just do it yourselfā€. Everyone can create a good story if they just try.


          Itā€™s been kind of a hectic week with school, and Iā€™ll be honest, I didnā€™t get to writing at all. At least not concerning my current stories. I hope I can get to writing this weekend because I want to get the next chapter for my miraculous out since the 6th season will air in America soon. 
          Iā€™m kind of exited for it, actually. (Iā€™m not from America, so Iā€™ll probably pirate it, but who cares.)
          But I am actually planning the story Iā€™ll start after the miraculous story ends. Gotta get all that done early, right? I wonā€™t tell you anything yet, but I will say that itā€™s concerning my favorite anime and I threw in a little RPG magic in too! 
          Sadly not much to report today, but I hope youā€™ll have a great weekend anyway. As always, I welcome each and every idea you guys have! Iā€™ll see you in the next weekā€™s update, or maybe even in the new chapter for my miraculous story!


          Time for another Friday update!
          I had some sort of vision last Sunday because I started the new chapter of  my miraculous story that day and got it all the way up to 4K words. Like, damn. Thatā€™s also the number itā€™s sitting at right now because I still have some tests I need to write the next few weeks. Maybe Iā€™ll continue writing on the weekends, but donā€™t count too much on it.
          As for my murder drones story, Iā€™ve got more of an idea of what I want to put into the next chapter now, but more input would definitely be great. The key words I have in my mind right now are mall, park, and restaurant or cafe. Anything coming to mind there?
          Other than that there wasnā€™t much else. I hope youā€™ll have a great weekend and Iā€™ll see you next week.


          How are ya? Iā€™m good, and here with a new Friday update.
          Prep week is going okay. Iā€™ve read my miraculous story again, and I know how I want to continue with the next chapter. Speaking of miraculous, Iā€™ve actually finished season 3 & 4 now, and watched the Miraculous World New York special. I now see what people wanted me to know by talking about the specialā€¦ Because Iā€™m too far in to really change something in that regard, Iā€™ll have to make the Miraculous World movies officially non-canon. But Iā€™ll say this in the next chapter too.
          As for theā€¦ Murder Drones story, Iā€™m kind of stuck. I donā€™t know what exactly I want the characters to do in the city. As an introvert myself, who never really gets out of the house, I donā€™t even really know what you can do in a city. So Iā€™m asking you for help. Any idea, and I do mean ANY idea, would be helpful. Itā€™d be great if you could help me out with this.
          I hope you had a great start into the new year, and I wish you an even greater rest of the week. Iā€™ll see you in the next update.


@Bonefang Sorry, Iā€™ll have to say no. I never watched Totally Spies, and I donā€™t have a deep enough connection with it to write a story. 
            But if you already have an idea in mind, maybe you can write it yourself? Itā€™s easier than you think, trust me. And Iā€™d be here if you need any help.


@GamingJo321 totally spies wera vann x male pyshco blue reader love story can you work with that one by any chance my friend?


          Did you have a nice Christmas? I myself did, it was very enjoyable. The two chapters I released for it were overall received pretty well, which Iā€™m happy for. I write for myself, because itā€™s something I enjoy and I want to enjoy. And if they make you happy too itā€™s a win-win!
          Because it was Christmas, and I published two chapters for it, I havenā€™t continued writing the stories since then. Itā€™s only been around three days, anyway. But this doesnā€™t stop me from giving you guys an idea on how I plan to continue.
          The next week will be something of a prep-week. I donā€™t plan on writing in it, but will prepare the stuff necessary to do so. 
          For my murder drones story, because what will now be chapter 3 and 4 were originally meant to only be chapter 3, I need to brainstorm a little bit more for the next chapter. Else I wouldnā€™t have enough to go off of with what I already came up with.
          And for my miraculous story I plan to read through the entire thing again to refresh my memory on everything I said the main character and his suit had, and what the state of multiple things are. Thisā€™ll probably be faster, and because following the script of an existing episode is easier than writing a whole original chapter, is why I currently plan for this story to be updated next. 
          If you have any questions Iā€™ll be here to answer them, and I always welcome any creative input you might have. I hope youā€™ll have a nice New Yearā€™s Eve, and Iā€™ll update you all next week on Friday. See you then!


Merry Christmas!
          As a little Christmas gift Iā€™ve taken some of my time to complete and release both of the next chapters for both of my current stories! Theyā€™re not the longest Iā€™ve ever written, but I hope youā€™ll enjoy them anyway.
          I wish everyone the best and I hope everyone will enjoy this day to the fullest. Iā€™ll see you in the next update!


          Itā€™s the start of the Christmas holidays for me! This means less worrying about school, which is such a relief. Iā€™m also back to a complete 100%, my nose doesnā€™t want to kill me anymore!
          Progress for Last Stand has been made, but the miraculous story hasnā€™t been updated. There is nothing much to say here.
          But I have a plan. I wonā€™t say what it is, but Iā€™ll just sayā€¦ be ready for Christmas! I wish you all an amazing end to your week.


@GamingJo321 This ''plan'' sounds like a possible Christmas special? Also can't wait to see the next Last Stand chapter and even if I don't celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas


@Cofifidi765 Itā€™s an animated series on YouTube. Maybe youā€™ve heard about the Amazing Digital Circus? Itā€™s from the same studio called Glitch. The studio actually wants to help amazing creators to make their dream show a reality and help them accomplish it.
            The story of murder drones isā€¦ complicated. I honestly canā€™t really put it into words, you should watch it.
            Here you go. Itā€™s free, so you should really give it a watch. Enjoy!


@GamingJo321 happy Christmas to you 
            Also can someone explain to me what is murder drones ?
            Is it a show ? And what is its story?


          No one really seemed against the idea of me updating you on Friday, Iā€™m just gonna do it. First off I want to happily inform you that my sickness is almost completely gone now! My nose is continuing to be a bit angry at me, but thatā€™ll sort itself out with a little more time. This week was also home to two exams, so I sadly didnā€™t get the chance to write a good amount.
          About the murder drones story. I have no real update on that. Not much has been done.
          About the miraculous story, however, ice got good news for you! Last Sunday I was looking at the story and thought ā€œSure, why not.ā€ and started to write a bunch. This kicks the word count up from 800 to around 2200. This is, like, almost half of the requirements I set for the chapter. At this rate it might get released even sooner than chapter 3 of Last Stand.
          As always, you can ask me any question youā€™d like, Iā€™ll happily answer them. Have a nice weekend.


@BrianGeller No. 
            (Idk if you want more than that answer. Just so you know the next part contains minor SPOILERS.)
            The massacre will happen in chapter four. Y/N will only ever meet her two to three times irl before that. I canā€™t start the relationship with that. But just so you know, after the massacre the two will be together almost constantly. I think I have some plan to get them together already, itā€™ll take a bit, but itā€™ll happen ways before the end of the story. So no, itā€™ll happen after.


@GamingJo321 In the muderdrones story will we be lovers with tessa before the gala massacre?


@Cofifidi765 Okay, I guess Iā€™ll answer all your questions separately.
            1: Miraculous Y/N isnā€™t a puppet of fate. Heā€™ll change some people for the better, but thatā€™s spoilers. The thing is that Y/N currently doesnā€™t want to be seen that much, and does his best to not be noticed. Thatā€™ll (probably) change later.
            2: Those are some cool Fun Facts. Miraculous never really cared about good continuity, and the writers probably just want some plot convenience, so some powers arenā€™t gonna be used for their full potential. Y/N just doesnā€™t know about these powers, so he doesnā€™t use them for his advantage either. Believe me, he definitely would destroy the balance of the miraculous world off he figures out what all the other miraculous can do.
            3: As I said, Y/N doesnā€™t know about these powers of the miraculous, this includes the ones affecting time. So he canā€™t traverse time to f around, even if itā€™s something he would do. He stated himself that the miraculous broke his understanding of physics, and is desperately trying to recreate that power, which is a reason he came to Paris in the first place. So sorry, no timely-wimey stuff.