Yo, RoguishGroove here!
That, of course, I suppose you know. Now, you're thinking I'm not really bright. But, you see... I'm also thinking the same so I guess we're on the same side of the... whatever it is ;)
(Don't you wanna ask my IQ level? I'd say enough to last me 15 years without dying of the burns after being grilled by my mom a million times and then some. XD
Figuratively speaking, of course.)
Now, I think that much is enough. No? Then, I guess I should tell you of the basics like favorites and such.
Let's start with colors. Let's see... I like empty color. Don't know it? Definitely not black nor white. No, transparent. Oh, it doesn't exist? Then, I'll have black (more fitting although not the empty color) ;) + XD
What else can I add? Ah, of course... In some certain sense, you could say I'm a lady... or not since I'm a rogue. Now, you don't call a rogue a lady, do you? ;) I don't like the sound of woman nor bitch. And definitely not wench or other similar words. Although, girl is slightly acceptable=)
Long enough, or a little too much. Anyway bye for now. Take care=)
(At least before I get to you and have slid big, large, huge, gargantuar, gigantic crabs into your pants =D)