
Ely (n.): The first, tiniest inkling that something, somewhere, has gone terribly wrong.
          	- DA -


In the fetid mouths of the marxo-fascists the word “disinformation” has become, to use Roger Scruton’s phrase, a crystalised lie. It is designed to eliminate the free flow of information, and to prevent inconvenient truths coming to the attention of the public. And it’s hardly surprising that the moral cretins of the modern Left enthusiastically adopt it, since they believe that it’s not socialism that has failed the people, but the people who have failed socialism. The upshot of this belief is that “the people” must be made to shut up and do as they’re told. The self-enobled “moral superiors” of the virtue-signalling madleft really do think that they have a monopoly of right-thought.
          - JC -