I’ve just completed the release of my latest book, ‘The Matrix Club’. Its blurb is presented below.
Unfortunately, Wattpad have decided that you are not to be allowed to read it here. You will therefore have to go across to my account on Inkitt, also called GarethN.
I hope you choose to read it and enjoy it.
- GN -
It was never supposed to happen like this.
All I wanted to do was pay her back for the trouble she and her cohort had deliberately caused to me and to so many others.… force her to act as my domestic servant for a while… And, maybe, there was some element of payback for the way things had gone in the past.
I never intended to fall in love with her…
And I certainly did not plan on taking care of her as the excesses of the last eighty years caught up on the western world.
- GN -