
Hey party people! Guess what! I saw the new Wicked movie last weekend and it was awesome!! Hands down one of the best movies I’ve ever seen!


@Garfieldlover22 @Garfieldlover22 I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.
          	  I spent most of yesterday in what I can only describe as a field of sheep.
          	  On account of the fact that it was a field, and that there were sheep in it.


Yeah, I thought it was amazing too


          How are you?
          We have just put up our Christmas Tree, and some of the places I go to in the week will be breaking up next week for the Christmas Holidays.


@Garfieldlover22 @Garfieldlover22 My Dad has a picture on his phone of the cat in the act of climbing the Christmas Tree, but the problem would be getting it onto my PC because none of us are particularly good with technology.
            Is there enough information in the longer character description I sent you for Kion for some ideas for what outfits he wears to School regularly?
            I could also use some names for some of his non LG friends mentioned in said description.


@textahoy is there anyway u can send me a video of that? I love funny cat videos.


@Garfieldlover22 Oh, yes, but we have to hide anything chocolate related in our house in case the dog finds it. [Chocolate's very bad for dogs]
            For some reason I am having visions of our two ~ year ~ old cat climbing up the Christmas Tree and sleeping in the branches, like he did last year. ;-) Silly cat.


Hey party people! Guess what! I saw the new Wicked movie last weekend and it was awesome!! Hands down one of the best movies I’ve ever seen!


@Garfieldlover22 @Garfieldlover22 I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.
            I spent most of yesterday in what I can only describe as a field of sheep.
            On account of the fact that it was a field, and that there were sheep in it.


Yeah, I thought it was amazing too


          Just a couple more characters I could use a physical description of, as well as some ideas for their relations with Kion and Vitani:
          Ayo ~ Ayo is the adopted Son of Nguvu and Zuri, and, like his cousin, Nakia, Ayo tends to be more serious, earnest and level ~ headed than his Brother, Hasani. While Hasani is old enough to remember Zuri bringing Ayo and Zawati home, Ayo was old enough to speak and remember certain details about his life prior to being adopted, leading to an awkward situation wherein the adopted child is actually older than the blood ~ related child. Like Nakia, Ayo often takes charge whenever Zuri and Nguvu are away, which Hasani doesn't like one bit, and he's always trying to remind Ayo that he's Zuri's blood child while Ayo is only adopted, so they can sometimes have quite fierce arguments, especially when Ayo tries to intervine when Hasani is bullying someone.
          *Insert name here* ~ *Insert name here* is the only biological daughter of Zuri, and the result of a drunken encounter between Zuri and a member of Nguvu's Football team. However, she bears a close enough similarity to Zuri that nobody really suspects who the Father is, so Zuri and Nguvu were able to pass her off as their own and she doesn't get the stick Mufasa II and Kopa II get for being illegitimate. *Insert name here*  tends to act as the peacemaker when Hasani and Ayo quarrel, and is fascinated by Science, Medicine, and Biology, and is in awe of "Grandpa Simba" and "Grandma Nala's" stories of how her beloved Aunt, Vitani, was rescued from Zira as a child and nursed back to health and wants to be a Doctor when she's older.
          Zawati ~ Zawati is the adopted daughter of Zuri and Nguvu, and younger half sister of Ayo. She's very much like Zuri as a child ~ stereotypically feminine, occasionally sassy and judgmental of others' appearance and manners, and reaaaaaaally likes the flowers *Insert name here* keeps bringing back with her from Botany Class.


I hope this doesn't bother you but just a couple more who I could use a physical description of continuing from last night:
          Nakia ~ Nakia, which means "Pure," or "Faithful" in Arabic, is the adopted daughter of Kion and Vitani. Kiara and Vitani found her while en route to Tree Kingdom to attend Prince Baliyo and Tiifu's wedding, and Kiara suggested Vitani should take her in, even though Vitani was already a Mother by that stage with two young Sons and was pregnant with a third child, who would turn out to be Kinuka.
          Nakia tends to be level ~ headed, earnest and serious in terms of personality, and she sometimes takes charge when Vitani and Kion are out of the picture. This doesn't mean she doesn't have a naughty side, though ~ Nakia and Wezi know Vitani takes them at their word, and it's very easy for the two girls to deflect blame away from themselves when they do something they shouldn't, usually leaving Vitani to discover the truth from a third party, and, when Vitani does discover they've tricked her, that's when the girls are on the receiving end of their Mother's rage.
          That being said, all of Kion and Vitani's children have been briefed, by Kion, on what to look out for in case their Mother has a particularly bad flashback or panic attack, and it's usually either Nakia or Kinuka who spring into action first when this happens.
          Hasani ~ Hasani, which means "handsome," is Zuri and Nguvu's Son, and a stereotypical High School player in the making. Hasani is known for his good looks and is considered highly attractive by many girls, and he knows it. Hasani sometimes acts as a bully towards his siblings and cousins, much to Zuri's annoyance, since she hoped her children would continue the friendship tradition that existed between the Abioyes and Adaanas the way she and Vitani had started a new one between the Adaanas and Afumbas. Hasani has brown hair and the kind of smile girls swoon over, and is technically Zuri's eldest kid. This is all I know of him so far.


          How's things?


@Garfieldlover22 Do you have some name suggestions for the friends of Kion I mentioned in the description, or any outfit ideas for Kion himself?
            Wezi ~ Wezi is the youngest daughter of Kion and Vitani and is very much the baby of the family; in terms of personality, she is outgoing, energetic, and stubborn like her Mother; she spends most of her days annoying her brothers and sister, or her cousins. I don't know yet what her relationship with Kion, her Dad, is like.
            Vitani swoons over her daughters, to such an extent that her husband, Kion, sometimes has to step in to stop Vitani overfeeding them or giving them too many treats. Vitani can be a little more authoritive with her Sons, however, because she believes boys need a firmer hand, even though she still loves them.
            Kinuka ~ the third born Son of Kion and Vitani, Kinuka's parents chose his name ~ a type of plant ~ to reflect their own blossoming relationship and the blossoming of the unification of the Outlands and Pridelands following the defeat of Scar and apparent deaths of Zira and Nuka. Kinuka considers himself the "cool kid" of the new generation ~ if, by cool, you mean rude, boastful, fiercely competitive and sometimes insensitive [much to Vitani's eternal chagrin; she was a bit disappointed to birth a third Son and would have to wait a little longer before her precious Wezi came along]. Kinuka, however, is often a fun guy to be around, and he always has ideas of how to kill time, or new games or adventures he and his friends can go on, but, when danger threatens, Kinuka is far more likely to run away than stand and fight and let others sort out the mess he's made.
            Kinuka can be extremely protective towards his younger sisters and hates it when his older brothers, Kopa II and Mufasa II, get mocked by the older Pridelanders *ahem!*Mr Akarchi *ahem!* because they were born before their parents got married, a sort of "mess with them and you mess with me!" kind of attitude, and he adores his parents too.


@textahoy yes I did indeed receive it.


@Garfieldlover22 I'm good; I've just been walking up to one of our local coffee shops and back, and some places already have their Christmas decorations up, but we shan't be putting up our Christmas decorations until nearer the actual day.
            By the way I sent you a more detailed version of Kion's character description on 5th November; did you receive it?


Here's a slightly longer version of Kion's character description:
          Kiongozi Abioye, as discussed before, is Pridelands High's reigning Mr. Popularity, head of the Lion Council and Son of Pridelands City's Mayor, Simba. Kion is loved by the students and staff [apart from Mr. Akarchi], envied by the boys and desired by the girls. Kion has red hair, a toned, muscular body, and brown eyes similar to his Father.
          To new students, Kion can appear intimidating and unapproachable because of his reputation, but they will eventually discover that, once you get to know him, Kion is one of the friendliest, sweetest guys around, always ready to help new students settle in and find their place in the School, or just to have a chat. Kion is also a very keen sports player and a huge fan of the Pridelands Lions, the School's Football team. His dream is to go into professional sports after leaving Pridelands High.
          When it comes to clothing himself, Kion loves to show off his powerful arm and leg muscles, so no sleeves and always wears shorts. He also owns two varsity jackets, one in the colours of the Pridelands Lions, and the other of his own design, featuring the Lion Council logo. In the Lion Council, he functions as the one who holds them together, with the others often turning to him to mediate disputes between members, managing mail, communicate with staff, plan sports activities, and School related events.
          Aside from the LC, Kion's friends include the School's former Queen Bee turned nerd, *insert name here,* Savannah *insert name here,* the Queen of the Geeks, her brothers *insert name here,* and the School's chess grand mistress, *insert name here,* despite her frequently flirting with Kiara and various complaints received about her from students. He's also on good terms with various staff members and supports Miss Daam and Miss Sanger when they begin their romance, and also Makini and MX Thoth when they start dating. He's also a skilled video gamer.


          How are things?


@Garfieldlover22 @Garfieldlover22 Well, he probably could do. Other words he could use could include awesome, incredible, amazing, and impeccable, according to a list of confidence ~ boosting compliments which I located on google. 
            This is taken from a comment on my profile if it helps:
            Vitani is a skinny girl with dusty blonde hair, tannish skin, and electric blue eyes. Her hair has extra bangs which cover her left eye and she has a long scar going through her right eye which ends at her cheek.
            Her likes include swimming, basketball, football, soccer, and martial arts, all of which she participates in with varying levels of skill. She can be wary around strangers and sometimes even give the impression of being shy, because of her experiences earlier on in life in the Outlands. However, after a little encouragement from her teachers or friends, or simply spending time with that person, she usually starts to open up and be more friendly towards them.
            She is a very clever girl who often receives high praise from her teachers for her work, and she has a habit of drawing on any spare paper she sees lying around, including on her school work, as a means of calming herself down when she gets nervous. She also never talks about her PTSD symptoms, except for with Simba, Nala, Tama and Zuri, since she wants people to see her as a perfectly ordinary 15 year old girl.
            I think Kion would also probably compliment her on the way she defended Ono and Beshte from Makucha early on in the story.
            Oh, by the way, I located the character description I sent you; it is on the comment I sent you asking after the book you were looking for and was sent on 17th October, and on my profile were posted on 11 August, 3rd September, and 29th July.


@textahoy also I don’t see any new messages about characters that need to be fleshed out. All the ones I could find I provided answers for.


@textahoy if kions not crushing on her yet would he still call her beautiful?



@Garfieldlover22 Kaa
            To the other Outsiders, Kaa is just a loyal Soldier of Scar who sometimes serves as his advisor.
            To Zira, Kaa is a coward who turned his back on Scar's cause and ran when Scar needed him most.
            However, among the Pridelanders, Kaa's name is feared.
            Kaa is known for three things ~ his striking, almost hypnotic eyes, his deceptively soft, sweet sounding voice, and his fierce, total loyalty to Scar.
            Precisely how Scar and Kaa met I do not know, but Kaa is unique among Scar's few friends because he is the only one who wasn't a Soldier.
            During Scar's rule, Kaa took over duties that would normally have gone to Rafiki ~ it was he who presided over Scar and Zira's wedding, [despite not being religious in any way] and it was Kaa who presented an infant Nuka to the Pridelanders.
            It was also Kaa who took Sarabi's two infant Sons and gave them to Scar to be raised, and he also took Nala's two Sons for the same reason after Scar abandoned Sarabi's children as a "failed experiment."
            When Simba returned in 2013 and the Battle of Pride Rock took place, Kaa killed the Rebel leader, General [insert name here] before fleeing the Battle and taking up residence in one of the outlying villages. Kaa divides his time between the Outlands and Pridelands, checking on the loyalty of Scar loyalists who remain in the Pridelands and keeping himself abreast of new developments in Scar's Army.
            It was Kaa who gave Zira, Nuka and Kovu their scars [Scar ordered it as a mark of the trio's complete loyalty to him] and Kaa who first suspected that Kovu has a contact in the Pridelands [fortunately he didn't know it was Kiara]. Kaa is cunning and much more manipulative than he lets on, and his motivation for following Scar is self ~ advancement and self preservation; Kaa despises Zira, believing she is too ideologically driven and dangerous to actually lead Scar's Army [and he turns out to be right] and Zira, in turn, views Kaa as a coward and a traitor loyal only to himself.


@textahoy And unfortunately none of these books are the one I’m looking for. But thanks anyway!


@textahoy I did ask you if you plan to feature non-TLK humanized Disney animal characters.


          How do these sound as ideas for the Outsider trio of siblings in my AU:
          Vitani ~ Vitani has a habit of doodling on any loose paper she finds and it isn't unusual for her teachers to discover scenes that she's drawn on her work and in her notebook. 
          As far as dressing herself is concerned, Vitani prefers casual, comfortable clothing, and will quite happily wear blouses and skirts to School and for School events, or where she needs to make a good first impression of herself.
          Her dream is to go to University. She wants this because neither Scar or Zira attended University, having joined the Army straight after High School, and she thinks this will mark her out in the eyes of the other Pridelanders as different from her siblings and parents and gain her their respect.
          Kovu ~ Kovu hasn't had a particularly happy time of it; his interaction with Zira mostly consists of harsh battle training, and arguing with Nuka, who he views as a useless nuisance. 
          In more intense moments, Kovu has learned to lock his mind away safely in order to keep himself sane, so to him it's as if he's witnessing terrible events through someone else's eyes, rather than being forced to endure a terrible event happening to him.
          Nuka ~ Nuka reaaaally hates Kovu and Vitani, Kovu because he blames him for Zira taking what he believes is his right to be Mayor of the City away from him and Vitani because every time he grumbled about Zira's leadership, she'd immediately go running to Zira and report what she'd heard, which was partly why he decided to assist Zira in getting rid of Vitani, the other reason being that he is so desperate to gain Zira's love that he cannot move on and get his own life.
          Nuka dresses himself in torn, tatty clothing.
          However, this doesn't stop him from entering into a lukewarm romance with a girl living in Pridelands City, and he eventually becomes the Father of a single daughter, for whom I need some ideas regarding physical description, and a name as well.


@Garfieldlover22 *Facepalms* It's supposed to say "every boy;" I didn't notice until you pointed it out.
            Is there enough information for ideas for outfits Kion and Vitani wear to School?
            Kiara's main problem is that everyone expects her to become the next leader of Simba's political party when he retires, which is partly why all the boys want to be her boyfried; Kiara, however, isn't even interested in politics ~ she's a highly talented singer, dancer, and play actress, and wants to pursue a career in professional entertainment if she can't continue Cheerleading after she leaves High School.
            Kiara is also worrying about Kovu; she met him by chance one day after she crossed over into the Outlands when she was younger and they started meeting up regularly, then one day he stopped turning up [unknown to Kiara this was because Zira had deemed Kovu strong enough to endure her harsher training] but Kiara still sometimes goes to the spot where she met Kovu, at night and unescorted, just in case.
            Vitani isn't impressed by Kiara at first, seeing her as a stereotypical blonde Cheerleader, but after Kiara finds out about Vitani's nightmares and flashbacks, Kiara begins sending some of her friends [who are alternatively male or female] Vitani's way to encourage her to socialise with people she might not otherwise, and encourages her to come to a dance club she helped start in the hope she'll make new friends rather than having to rely on her younger brother and his friends for emotional support and discourage bullies from targeting Vitani.
            I think Kiara might be old enough to have memories of Kopa, since she's older than Kion and Vitani, but I don't have any ideas as to how Kopa's death might have affected Kiara, or how she and Kion react when the time comes for them to meet Kopa's ghost.
            She probably doesn't talk about Kopa in front of her parents because she knows they'll become upset and she doesn't want to strain her relationship with them any further than it is.


@textahoy Maybe Vitani would be interested in studying law and criminology.


@textahoy it’s not every body it’s everybody. U miss spelled it in Kion’s description