
this message may be offensive
So me and my brother were fighting over a box of crackers and my mom was trying to get us to stop while eating the crackers and i tried to runaway with the box but my brother grabbed me and my mom had a cracker in her hand so i leaned over and tired to take it with my mouth but i laughed and she got mad and was all like "Fuck you! You breathed on my cracker and now i can't eat it!" So i snatched it out of her hand and ate it! Just thought i would tell you all that!!! Hehehe!!!


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So me and my brother were fighting over a box of crackers and my mom was trying to get us to stop while eating the crackers and i tried to runaway with the box but my brother grabbed me and my mom had a cracker in her hand so i leaned over and tired to take it with my mouth but i laughed and she got mad and was all like "Fuck you! You breathed on my cracker and now i can't eat it!" So i snatched it out of her hand and ate it! Just thought i would tell you all that!!! Hehehe!!!


So my brothers were being all hyper and weird and asked me what 2+2 was, I said 4. That was wrong. Apparently it's fish. Then they asked what 3+3 was and still not understanding what was going on I said 6. Nope. that was wrong too. The answer was 8. Then they asked me what 7+7 was. Well by then I figured it wasn't the actual answer and just went with 77. Definitely not the right answer. That one was triangle. Finally they asked me what 6+4 was. That one threw me for a loop and I had NO idea so I made them just tell me. The answer is LIFE. Sometimes I just don't understand them...


@_Milano Lol. Yeah they showed me. :)


@GatorGirl1094 if you turn around 3 and leave the other 3 the same, it looks like 8. 
            its the same process with 7+7 and 2+2.
            6+4... well, one can only figure how to put that together, but... *elbow, elbow*