
Hey everyone 1st chapter of The Ranger is out


Hey, so my idea is this, during the filming of a movie ( either Marvel or otherwise) Scarlett gets hurt during a stunt/action sequence. I was thinking something like a car chase scene where a mistimed explosion causes the car to crash with Scarlett inside. She was supposed to drive through the stretch and the explosions would happen behind her as she drove, but one or two of the explosive devices went off early causing Scarlett to lose control of the car and crash. However Louri finds out about it on the news, as they had been filming in LA on one of the freeways and a news helicopter had been reporting on the movie when the accident occurred. She turns on the tv just after the crash happens and sees the car crashed and beginning to burn, and realizes that the movie that was being filmed was Scarlett's. She tries to call Scarlett, and gets no answer, while the news anchor has been informed by their partner on the ground that Scarlett was in fact inside the car. She watches helplessly as emergency personnel work to get Scarlett out of the car, and eventually they succeed and she briefly glimpses Scarlett on a backboard/stretcher being rushed to a waiting ambulance, seconds later the car bursts completely into flames. By now others know about the accident and Sherman and his wife show up at Louri's house to drive her to the hospital to be with Scarlett (once Louri knows which hospital). I'll leave it to you to decide how severe Scarlett's injuries should be, I was thinking at minimum some minor lacerations (due to broken glass), smoke inhalation (from the car burning), a concussion, some bruised/cracked ribs for starters, but if you want them to be worse I wouldn't mind as I am a fiend for the drama. Plus the fluff that would come later with Louri taking care of and helping Scarlett as she heals, would also be wonderful. Well that's my idea, can't wait to read whatever you write next.


Hey everybody this is Jenna. I can’t thank Chris enough for her help with our books. She has been able to take care of them while I deal with a family matter. I just wanted to say thank you to Chris and I think she deserves a round of applause for her hard work.


@GayAsFuck9 no need to thank me. I appreciate it. Thank you for allowing me to write along with you