
Hey I do so cillax!!!!! And stop eating popcorn like that....


Hey baby!! Sorry for the late (I assume) follow back my apologies I've been "busy" anyway I hope you have any good suggestions for me to read? I need some good ones but if you need good one go to my reading lists❣️ bye love take care!


@GayBoiSimpPisces oh yeah you can look at "my personal favorites❤️" looks something like that w the emojis


@GayBoiSimpPisces for sure I'll look at it I like a lot of stuff... Send me a random book I'm out dms and I'll probably be in that fandom


@Sad1sticYANDR3 Hi! uh, I'm not sure what you're really into (so some help abt that would make it easier for me to suggest things- lol), and I swear, I have so many unread and untouched books in my library right now- and don't worry, I've been pretty "busy" too. Some of the ones I think are pretty good are in my "Favorites" list, but there are only 4 in there so far, cause I literally forget about everything in my library cause I never have my own time to open this app without people being nosey. lol. <3 you take care, too!