Bruuuhhh I don't even know what to say right now XD
So I was talking to this dude (cause he private messaged me) and we talked for a few minutes
Then he's like "what's your name"
Of course I thought he meant like you know my name 'GayChan'
Then he's like "no your real name"
I was uncomfortable telling him my REAL name so I just putted "..........?"
THEN HE'S LIKE "forget it. I just wanted to be friends"
Bish this dude I was like "...?"
he puts a sad face and says "bye"
I try to reply but I guess he muted me
This dude was over dramatic just because I wasn't gonna tell him my REAL name
If he wants to be over dramatic over something stupid he can cause bruh this gave me a good long wheezing laugh XD