
Hi and happy 2017 to everyone.
          	I was away for long time for several reasons.
          	I'll try to catch up with everybody and everything.


For all those who don't speak Greek
          My, let's say, book "The Best of Romance" hasn't any new chaper, because simply I haven't found any other story to go in there but you can see two stories in my Romance list that are in English.
          The one is, of course, "To you my love" by hannahadams1000 which has a 10/10 score of course and therefore is in my book.
          The second is "To Johny with love" by yorgoskc which has a 9/10 score, because it has no happy ending.
          Both of them short, both of them warm, both of them well written.
          "To you my love", has a lovely ending. Well all of the story is ... perfect.
          "To Johny with love". doesn't have a happy ending but there is hope, so it's not an 100% bad eding.
          Also, if you have written a love story and you feel confident about it, let me know. I'll check it. Completed stories preferably. I don't write about stories that are not complete. A good story has up to its last chapter (or word) the opportunity to become a bad one, so only completed stories please.
          Unhappy endings are not very probable to have a good score with me.
          If they don't state it in the story details or tags they will have a bad one if any. You have to be better than Shakespeare to gain a 2/10.
          So anyway. Have fun. Read, Write, Love and read and vote the stories mentioned above.
          PS. Hannahadams1000 has written more than some fanfiction. It's not my thing but her writting is magnifisent so if it is yours, I'm sure you will love them.
                 She also writes two romances. They are in progress, have them in my libray but haven't start reading them. I have high hopes for them too. So take a look.
                 Yorgoskc has written two more romances. One is completed, the other in progress. Also have them in my library. I've started reading the completed one. I haven't finished it yet but it seems promising. I'll let you know in a later note what I think of it, if it is indeed good enough of course.


Λοιπόν, τελευταία μπορώ να πω ότι είχα μία σχετικά καλή τύχη.
          Για όσουν ενδιαφέρονται για ρομαντικές ιστορίες, η λίστα ανάγνωσης romance έχει ολοκληρωμένες που θεωρώ καλές. (Μία ελληνική και μία αγγλική) δεν βρίσκονται σε κανένα από αυτά που σχολιάζω, περισσότερο όμως λόγω της προτίμησής μου στα happy end. Η τρίτη είναι στο The Best of Romance που δημοσιεύω, οπότε φαντάζεστε ότι είναι εξαιρετική.
          Μέχρι στιγμής όλες είναι σχετικά μικρές, είτε το θεωρείτε καλό, είτε κακό.
          Επείσης πολλά υποσχόμενες μοιάζουν, αλλά δεν μπορώ να πω τίποτα με βεβαιότητα επειδή δεν τις έχω τελειώσει, οι:
          Ελληνική: Παραλογισμός από τον spirit_of_the_fxrest 
          Αγγλική: 1000 από τον yorgoskc
          Υπενθυμίζω, αν έχετε κάποια ρομαντική στην οποία πιστεύετε και δεν φοβάστε μην καταλείξει στις πατάτες, δέχομαι προτάσεις, κατά προτίμηση από τους συγγραφείς, αλλά για τις ελληνικές, επειδή δεν βρίσκω πολλές, προς το παρρόν και από υποστηρικτές.
          Αυτά για τώρα.


@ GayExhibit  Στην βιβλιοθήκη μου και στο πρόγραμμά μου ☺


@ GayExhibit  Γεια σου θα ηθελα να διαβασεις την ιστορια μου "Ο Φοιτητικός τους ερωτας". Δεν νομιζω η πλοκη να καταληξη σε μια κλασική πατάτα αλλα θελω και την δικια σου γνωμη αν μπορεις❤


@ GayExhibit   οκ! Θα την τσεκάρω ☺


Ευχαριστώ πολύ που απαντάς στα σχοόλεια μου παρόλο που είναι σε άλλο βιβλίο και όχι σε δικό μου ή δικό σου.


@ Alicecandy02  Χαρά μου, όταν τα βλέπω και έχω κάποια απάντηση :-) <3


Isn't interesting that most people call themselves "writers" but use A/N instead of W/N?


I know the meaning of the words... I comment on the peculiarity of the choice to use A for a witer ;-)


@ GayExhibit  Yep alot. But it is kind of the same thing. An autor is a writer who writtes stories. Because someone who writes articles for exemple, is a writter but not an author.