Edit: instead of being alone, now I want to scream them at my best friend aka the most trusted person in my life then just drift away like ash in the wind.
Have you ever wanted to go to an abandoned field, forest, or just a wide space where nobody can find you and scream out all your insecurities, hatred, and fears to hear them echo back at you?
I’m aware I may have some issues, shut up.
@Iloveegpie - thank you
@callmedomplease - stop reminding me of Hamilton. I did not cheat on my wife nor did I write about it to save my ass.
@The_un_named - ️ (translation: Gay bitches in the house ye-fucking-uhaul!!)
Have you ever written something or said something out loud and you thought it was one of the most decent things you’ve made this year then to forget all of it as you go to write it down thus making yourself a disappointment on a whole another level? Yeah, just did that.
Two things. 1) I want to go back to every WLW smut scene I have read and comment on the most heated parts "That's finger lickin' good." 2) do ya'll at 12 am just randomly just start to have a full 30 minute to 1 hour convo with yourself or no? (if so, what about?)