Hello everyone! Sorry for the long ghosting. I graduated recently (plus started an etsy) so I'm a little bit in a transitional state.
I hope to rewrite both The Art of Sin and Worthless this summer! And possibly start of the sequels to both.
Thank you everyone who has supported me and my stories. I understand that many of you like the originals so I will keep them up (and finish the original The Art of Sin). Thank you guys so much <3
Hey Author! I just finished reading "Worthless" and it is truly a well written story. I came to your profile to read Rory's book but i found out that you haven't posted anything in over a year. Are you okay?
Hi, pls I am looking for a book titled the vampire saga, the author 's name is donell Alexander, he had also written another book titled the blood angel chronicles. If you have any information about the author pls let me know.
Thank you