
Hi guys! I hope everyone has had a wonderfull Christmas and new years
          	I know it has been a long time since you got an update, i promise i will try to update soon! Live has just got uhm crazy busy to say the least :)
          	If you over need to talk you can always send me a message on here or on tumblr: gay-titanic-otps 
          	I just wanted to thank you guys so much for your support it really means a lot to me.


@GayTitanicOtps  I was not able to find the original version of catch me , I’m falling can you please send me the link for it


Hi guys! I hope everyone has had a wonderfull Christmas and new years
          I know it has been a long time since you got an update, i promise i will try to update soon! Live has just got uhm crazy busy to say the least :)
          If you over need to talk you can always send me a message on here or on tumblr: gay-titanic-otps 
          I just wanted to thank you guys so much for your support it really means a lot to me.


@GayTitanicOtps  I was not able to find the original version of catch me , I’m falling can you please send me the link for it


Hi guys!
          I'm almost done with school! Next week is my last week and then i survived the first year of college :) 
          That is also the week i will be able to write again. Next update will be somewhere there :))
          Thank you so much for your support and i hope you have a nice day!


Yayay so excited for you!! I just finished my first year of college today!  


Yayyyyy  and congratulations on surviving your first year of college :)))) 