So um am I the only one think that nexus’s whole villain are could be a manic episode?
Distorted self-perception
During mania, people may have an unrealistic and positive view of themselves. They may struggle to differentiate between their true abilities and the inflated beliefs fueled by the manic episode.
Uncharacteristic behaviors
Manic episodes can lead to behaviors that are out of character. This can make it difficult to reconcile with one's sense of self after the episode.
Negative identity
Bipolar disorder can lead to a negative identity based on unrealistic perceptions of failures and weaknesses.
Unpredictable behavior
Bipolar disorder can cause people to behave in unpredictable or unusual ways, such as being impulsive or aggressive. This can lead to the development of schemas about being unacceptable.
And having bipolar could make you obsessive over someone which could be why nexus has such an unhealthy attachment to Solar
Anyways just some ramble I’ve been repeating to myself one too many times