
I GOT MY FRIST TATTOO TODAY!! MY mom took me and I got my dogs name on my arm. It surprisingly wasn't bad at all, I didn't eat before going first mistake and I didn't drink enough water so I got light headed but the guy gave me a sucker and my mom got me a water so I was fine and it doesn't hurt at all. Im super happy with it!! I am alrdy planning my next tattoo out lmao it was super fun 


@GaysDontSleep2 I got my 1st one when I was 17. It hurts but I didn't get it done at a parlor. I got mine the old fashioned way - with a needle & a bottle of India ink.
          	  I plan to get it recovered & I finally found the person I want doing it. Now, it's all about affordability & $


I GOT MY FRIST TATTOO TODAY!! MY mom took me and I got my dogs name on my arm. It surprisingly wasn't bad at all, I didn't eat before going first mistake and I didn't drink enough water so I got light headed but the guy gave me a sucker and my mom got me a water so I was fine and it doesn't hurt at all. Im super happy with it!! I am alrdy planning my next tattoo out lmao it was super fun 


@GaysDontSleep2 I got my 1st one when I was 17. It hurts but I didn't get it done at a parlor. I got mine the old fashioned way - with a needle & a bottle of India ink.
            I plan to get it recovered & I finally found the person I want doing it. Now, it's all about affordability & $


I'm 18 ahhhhhhh I can't believe it's alrdy my birthday on 2025 why is everything going so fast 


            That's a "nice" time to quit.
            I started smoking at around 13 also. I didn't start full-time til I was about 15. I drank a bit when I was in high school after I figured out the 'correct way' to skip - which doesn't really exist anymore. I just carried drinks, smokes, & stuff, around in my bookbag wherever I happened to go.
            As for lettuce, since I was 12-13 maybe, I've barely taken any breaks (except 1 particular year) til recently but that's been more of a, "I Don't Have Any Time" kinda thing.


@VailedStarz I started vaping at 13 (ik fkn crazy) and smoked until 69 (hehe) days ago as of today and i turned 18 yesterday so however many uwars that is. I am 69 days clean and going strong, most of my cravings have faded only bc I used nicotine free vapes for the first week after quitting and it just made my throat hurt so I quickly stopped smoking them at all and I realized how much money I save. I don't plan to ever start back smoking cigarettes or vapes at all, but I do dabble in the devils lettuce occasionally, I haven't in about a month now though and don't feel the urge to as of late. As for drinking, I don't like drinking much, it's never been my go to for any good time but I do find it less difficult to think when I drink rather than get high so I do drink when my friends do it, which isn't often bc most of my friends are literally 16 or 17 so why would they be out drinking a lot yknow? Anyways, I love the longer paragraphs when you reply to my stuff lol their so fun and then when you add in like a little fun fact or topic to it and then go back to whatever you were talking abt lol pls never stop (^-^)


            Btw, in spite of the definitions of Atheism & Deism being the exact opposite, I'm more Atheist than anything else - too much time with Bertram's Teapot ig.
            I'm also bi (like my son - though my child is pan). I love reading & I've rarely been found without a book in hand. I only got on Wattpad cause of Sanders Sides but made a new account (this one) when I started reading other stuff. I've got 400ish books on my original account & decided to keep them separate (except for one particular author).


          I'm freaking tf out rn.
          My mom is 35 years old my oldest siblings is almost 20. I'm abt to be 18 myself. My mom just took 2 pregnancy tests and they both came back positive. The thing is she has a lot of medical stuff going on rn so idk man it's super risky she's so scared she doesn't know what to do and she doesn't even want it. She is pro life though so she isn't gonna abort it instead she's got her mind set on the fact the baby won't survive anyways and she's saying it'll probably miscarry Idk how to tell her it could survive it probably will actually our family is extremely fertile like everyone is having kids constantly. 


@VailedStarz she's doing good, her blood pressure medicine is rlly helping her throughout everything rn and her doctors saying it should be sage to take for the entirety of her pregnancy so that's rlly gonna help her a lot apparently. She hasn't had any pains, bleeding, fever or soreness (other than the usual soreness from work). And trust I'm up her ass 24/7, texting, calling, showing up to her job, just to check in and make sure her and the baby are OK lol. I'm an overthinker so I stay worried unfortunately. But yeah she's doing good I think it's all gonna be ok! Also everyone including my mom is team boy, I'm the only one who's team girl and for my birthday wish I wished for the baby to be a girl lmao 


@GaysDontSleep2 I thought I should check to see how your mom is doing


@GaysDontSleep2 3hope everything goes alr. Modern technology is great though. When I hear stories, of how things used to be, it relieves me that we have come so far.
            And, this will let you learn how to safely take care of a baby.
            I would tell you to let her know she's in my thoughts but I can just imagine... Hey mom, some stranger on the internet says she's thinking about you 


I'm 62 days Nicotine free today! Very proud of myself and how far I've come. I look back at 14/15/16 year old me and can't imagine her quitting, and here I am, 2 months clean. 


            I'm super proud of you. 
            It's not easy to do. 
            Stay strong cause it's not easy to stay quit either.
            This is good for you physically & it's good for you financially. Way To Go 


this message may be offensive
"When history is no longer taught, it repeats itself." 
          America is becoming 1930s Germany. We need to stand up for each other. Immigrants aren't monsters or illegal aliens, they're HUMAN BEINGS. They deserve to be treated as such. The White House official page posted a deportation ASMR video. It's disgusting. This country is a joke. A sick, twisted, fucked place that keeps getting worse every day. 
          And none of us can afford to live here anyway. I was so disappointed in the election results. I've been so stuck lately. Worrying about how I'll pay my bills or if I'll ever be completely independent from my mother because of how expensive everything is now. We can't afford eggs. And I get there is more reason behind it, we have a bird flu going around and some farmers lost their chickens to some fires lately, but it's also the economy affecting it all. Growing up my mom never said the words "we can't afford eggs or bread." Those were the only 2 foods we COULD afford. Now they're the 2 foods we rarely buy because they're so expensive. Imagine that. The cheap food is now the expensive food, so what qualifies as cheaper options now? 
          When the rich run the world, the poor are left behind. Rich help the rich. People need to open their eyes and realize that a rich man who's been spoon fed his whole life with everything he needs is not going to help us. We aren't important to him. As long as he fills his own pockets and helps his Billionaire friends he doesn't care. 
          And don't even get me started on the LGBT rights as of late. We are going back in time. Women's rights too. 
          Please, if you can and it's safe to do so, speak UP about the issues happening around you! It helps just to speak up I promise! 
          I hope you're all safe and doing ok. I love each and every one of you even if I don't know you, because we are all human and deserve to feel loved and be loved. 


@GaysDontSleep2 You don't even wanna get me started. I'll be talking about the Puerto Rican woman who was arrested, the executions that tRump wants started, the ID must match birth certificate to vote (my mom won't be able to & she's in her 80s), & all the other bs. I am constantly on edge now.
            My son, my child, & I are currently staying with my parents. I have a place; I just can't afford to live there. Right now, I am just trying to find a way to afford the bills here so that my parents can go to Assisted Living. Dad is still working, & he's in his 80s, cause he is supporting all 5 of us.
            Although I have my $60,000 bachelor's degree, I am working in retail. A LOT of my customers don't speak English. My Google Translate is always open on the weekends; it's not the best but it works. Every time I see someone, who I used to see regularly but don't anymore, I about break down. I don't even care what I'm doing; I rush to see them, to let them know I've missed them & that I've been worried about them. These are people I've known for a couple of years now & I always feel relieved & excited whenever I see them.


Yall lmao idk if I have any fellow Mississippians following me or any ppl from the south at all but my mom posted this on fb earlier and it gave me a giggle 
          Twas the day before Christmas , with bad weather reports, and the folks of Hattiesburg were out wearing shorts. Rushing to Dollar General for some milk and potatoes, and maybe some candles in case of tornadoes. While many are dreaming a Christmas of white, I'm wondering if I'll need A/C tonight! And before you start thinking my cheer sounds too iffy, I'm just saying Merry Christmas from South Mississippi  ⛄
          And yes it was nearing 70 degrees f outside today (ToT) it was hot and humid and raining all Christmas here 


So this isn't something I expected to ever say. But. I'm on my healing journey, I've done a lot of thinking in the last year. And I know people joke and say you're New Year goals are just there for you to say that you want something better but no one ever actually does anything they say they will. But I am. I've been a heavy vape user since I was about 13/14 and I'm now 17 going on 18 soon. I am not proud of my habit. I am currently on the way to being nicotine free. I have a nic free vape right now, I'm using it to get through the cravings, anger, and annoyance/distractedness, that comes with quitting. I've had a pretty rough day as its my first day completely free of any nicotine since I started smoking. But I got through it. I'd love everyone's support through this journey. I'll keep you guys updated too. 


            That's fantastic. I'm really proud of you. Stopping, or even starting to stop, can be a horrible experience.
            Definitely Keep This Up!
            Never quit when it comes to quitting.