Hello! It's been like a year since the last time I logged in on this website.
As so you know, something dramatic happened here on this site because of the story that I wrote and never in my life I experienced that which made me lose my interest in writing.
However I decided today to try again because... why the f not?
I will not anyone to ruin one of the things I am passionate about. I've been doing wattpad since 2014 even if it is cringey. But if you're asking if I'm gonna republish that infamous fanfic? (you know what im talking about) the answer is no. Why? Because 1st is I lose interest on it and it ruined me so much 2nd I deleted it. I'm going to write a whole other story and probably I'm not gonna write any fanfic at all just to be safe. I might continue Twin Flame story tho
That's all
Francine Abigail