this message may be offensive
So this isn't really an announcement but I decided to come cry on your shoulders and ask for your help. I am a grade 11 student who is currently messing up her biology course. For freaking 4 times in a row, I got 76% and it seems like I'm losing my mind. I have no idea why I am announcing this to everyone on Wattpad, but I need to empty my mind. My last test was supposed to replace my lowest mark (which is 76 btw) but guess what I got a 76 on the test. Instead of replacing it added alongside the 76 from the beginning of the semester and I am about to lose my shit. Does anyone know a website or something I can use to study so I cannot become Kirishima, Denki and mina who don't have brain cells ━━( ̄ー ̄*|||━━