
Hey everyone, I apologize for my absence. I've been working some things out with my life and I'm now a 21 year old woman. I've been working on something new and I will be publishing it within the week COMPLETE AND EDITED to the best of my ability. It is a Edmund Pevensie X reader and I personally think it's much better than my first one, which I believed was extremely amateur. The title even sucks in my opinion. This one is much better with longer chapters and better writing techniques. I'm afraid a lot of my previous books are now discontinued since I have moved on to other things, but my love for writing has not. 
          	My new book is called Crown and the Shadow: A Narnian Odyssey. It's 24 chapters and chapters are between 1,000-10,000 words so it should be worth it and I hope this book sets me aside from other Edmund Pevensie X readers in it's own way. If you have any questions don't be afraid to DM me or reply to this conversation. I love you all. 


@GeekOfLife that's okay, I hope things have been working out well lately now. And while it feels sad that your other stories have been discontinued, especially with the santa Clause fanfic. We understand why because it is important to move on with life. 


Hey everyone, I apologize for my absence. I've been working some things out with my life and I'm now a 21 year old woman. I've been working on something new and I will be publishing it within the week COMPLETE AND EDITED to the best of my ability. It is a Edmund Pevensie X reader and I personally think it's much better than my first one, which I believed was extremely amateur. The title even sucks in my opinion. This one is much better with longer chapters and better writing techniques. I'm afraid a lot of my previous books are now discontinued since I have moved on to other things, but my love for writing has not. 
          My new book is called Crown and the Shadow: A Narnian Odyssey. It's 24 chapters and chapters are between 1,000-10,000 words so it should be worth it and I hope this book sets me aside from other Edmund Pevensie X readers in it's own way. If you have any questions don't be afraid to DM me or reply to this conversation. I love you all. 


@GeekOfLife that's okay, I hope things have been working out well lately now. And while it feels sad that your other stories have been discontinued, especially with the santa Clause fanfic. We understand why because it is important to move on with life. 


Hey I know ive been abesnt for a while but Ive been reading sone comments in some stories and im appauled bysome of you. And im not just speaking up for me as a write but other writers of fanfiction I know go through this to. Just wanna put this out there, any pictures I put in my books (specifically x readers) for what the reader is wearing (clothes, hairstyles, etc) are not mandatory for the reader. You are allowed to imagine yourself wearing anything you'd like. I write the x readers for myself and choose to share them with you because I know other people love those characters too and I want to share that love with other people. I write what I imagine in the moment and try and match hairstyles to the character's storyline and timeline. Yes, I may use clothes or hairstyles that don't suit you as a person but that's the great thing about x readers, you can make them your own using your own imagination. If you wanna post a link to a different outfit and hairstyles in my comment section, that's fine. I come across outfits or hairstyles I dont particularly like when reading other writer's fanfiction all the time, but I dont leave a hateful or rude comment for the writer to get a notification and see a hateful comment about the outfit or hairstyle they chose for THEIR story and then feel bad because their reader didn't like what they chose for the character. It's wrong and extremely hurtful. 
           If I continue getting those following comments, I will put unpublish those stories or announce a probation for the stories to be taken down if those continues. 
          Thank you and please be kind and think before you post <3


@GeekOfLife I really love Christmas star so good  !!!!!!!! I love it   r u still update Christmas star ?  how old is Stella has the chapters goes and how old is Bernard ? human years and elf years ?


@GeekOfLife Hey I love your Klaus x reader book and the sequel and I wonder if you could do me a favor if it's not too much. Could you please add a character in the Klaus x reader book that I describe if it isn't too late. If so here is the character's Description: Her name is Evangelina Short for Eve She is incredibly smart and she has great fighting skills she's 8 years old and she loves coffee even for her age she has a nice personality. She has brown hair and blue eyes. I really hope you could do this Please reply Thx bye


Hey author! Your Klaus x reader books was one of my favs when I was still new! Will you be Continuing the sequel? Please respond. If your busy it’s totally fine but please let us know, thanks!
          My favorite moment from the book:
          When we did the dance and totally pissed off Carmelita and got a certain someone looking at us 


No, thank you for making this book! I totally understand, life can be a totally crazy sometimes. I’ve been through those moments! And congratulations for graduating and being able to find a job! 
            I hope you go far in life and continue to grow throughout it. 
            I wish you nothing but love and blessings in your life!
            Stay safe and keep on rocking! 


@CriNgY_b0Ba Hey babes. Yes, I will eventually update. Life is crazy right now since I've graduated and am working on standing on my own two feet but thank you for your patience and shari g your favorite moment from the book. I will definitely continue and finish the book I already have everything planned its just a matter of finding time. Thank you for reaching out to me!


Okay, everyone. Here's the moment that a lot of you have been waiting for. Part 5 of My Christmas Star is published! Unfortunately it will be the last part that comes out until season 2 of The Santa Clauses is out so I'll see you all then for another Christmas Adventure. Thank you all and enjoy Part 5 of My Christmas Star


Hello everyone. I know I've been MIA for a while. A lot has been going on outside of my writing career. With work and moving it's been a lot and I didn't have all that much free time on my hands. BUT, when I did have the free time I managed to write all of the next part of My Christmas Star. And here's another little surprise for you, I will be publishing it tomorrow! I have everything written I just need to work on the cover. See you all tomorrow for another adventure ;)