
          	New Chapter will be published in the next 24 hours. Keep your eager eyes open and keep up with the comments!


OMG!! No!! This is unfair! Wattpad have the law of shipping what ever ship you want (if they doesn't have that law they should!) if you don't like a ship it doesn't mean everyone hates it! If theres a book on wattpad its because there are readers! That love this book! Thats really extream!!! :( I love the book :( 


Omg that's so awful who would do such a thing?! Even i wouldn't go 2 such extreme measures just because there is a story on wattpad that i don't like. Tell u what, i never really gave your story a chance. And it would mean a lot to me if you could tell me where the story is still available so i can give it a real chance


Hey everyone!!! I've decided to celebrate the newest season of Gravity Falls by writing a new full length chapter to the story! I hope you enjoy, and be sure to give me any feedback if you enjoy what you read, I'm so thankful for your support towards this. Pinecest is the weirdest, raddest, most sexy thing ever and I have no shame for being a supporter! (Just don't tell Alex Hirsch, lol).