
Going offline for a while! Dealing with a bunch of stressful things lately. . . I need a break. I'll be back soon!!


ALSO: Drakes Past does have some different characters in it, and a much better story plot. Well, sort of. It also contains a little bit of weird language, like "Endergirl", "enderkids", "endsrteens", and so on so on. I just hope you enjoy it.


Hey guys!! It's me GeekishlyFangirling! I'm so so so so SO FREAKING SORRY I WAS GONE FOREVER! But sadly, I got logged out of my account. So, now I have this account. But don't worry about Drakes Past! I'm already making a newer—almost better—version of it. I hope you enjoy it as much as you did on this account. Again, I am so so sorry. :(


Hey guys! So, as you know I have a ton of stories. Right? Right? Yeah, well, some I will be deleting. But before you freak out I want to say I will do them again! They will not vanish forever! I promise. Anyway, you might be wondering; "WHY?" Well, its because I have so much to keep up with its hard. And its kinda stressful. Here are some I'm going to delete but its going to return: 
          "The Hunger Games (RSG FF)"
          "The Maze Runner (RSG FF)"
          "Pickup Lines"
          and probably ect. My main goal for now is to complete "Drakes Past," and start a new story for Drake and the team very soon. "Minecraft Horror Story (NSP FF)" is stioll currently on hold, and "Paper Airplanes (N.H. FF)" will be updated I hope at least once or twice a week.
          Again, my apologies for the ones who absolutely loved the books that are going to be deleted. REMINDER: They will return! But I don't have an exact date.
          Thanks for understanding (If you did)