
I mean but i may be dead or i may ressurect or i may reincarnate as a stylisticalky matured wirter but regardless,  happy pride month motherheckers!


I'm taking down basically all my stories that aren't my poetry becuase I never finished any of them and they are just laying around collecting pixel dust whilst basically acting as anchor to the past, which was a bad time, but in a bad way. The poetry is a chronology. It's important and its quality but the other stuff is just unfished and sporadic and I want to start doing something proper and consistent. No one reads much of the other stuff anyway but. If anyone has opposition then tell me but I doubt there will be.


@Geekmo haha yes quite


@Geekmo Haha, "pixel dust". It is important to keep your 'pixel shelf' clean.


Hey so I know I haven't written in a log time becuase I never finish anything, so I have had an idea. A stroke of inspiration aggressively prodded me in the side as I watched some of KickThePJs films. Perhaps, instead of embarking on long, emotional invested, thorough works, I should just do short little stories: judt a single chapter. I could invest creativity in small, non committal bursts, and, hence, possibly actually get some content out. 
          How does that sound?


So I mIgHt JuSt AlL uP aNd StArT a HoMeStUcK fIc BeCaUsE wHy ThE mOtHeRfUcK nOt.
          Or I could work on my mcr story
          I could do anything
          I could combine Big Hero Six and MCR and Homestcuk together for fucks sake. I can do anything yet I'm being a lazy sack and doing nothing.


I nEeD tO pUt SoMeThInG hOmEsTuCk On My PaGe, BuT iM nOt AlL bEiNg CoMpLeTeD aNd ThE lIkEs WiTh ThE cOmIc, So I dOnT wAnT tO sTaRt AnYtHiNg YeT.
          I sAy StArT bEcAuSe We AlL kNoW i PrObAbLy WoNt FiNiSh.
          hOnK ;0)