
Hello! This may seem strange to do but I’ve been looking through my activity board and I realized there’s a lot of people I never properly responded to. So I’m just gonna do a real quick post. Thank you to all of the authors that write stories! You guys are amazing and take time out of your own lives to do something wonderful and I’m really grateful to be able to read all of these amazing stories written by so many talented people. 
          	Have a great day guys!


SO SORRY about my weird update yesterday lol, I had been combining certain chapters and I think I forgot to delete that one. Thanks for letting me know!


(Emoji didn’t work lol) :)


Lol no worries! Glad to be of help 


Thank you for the votes on my story :) You don't have to respond but do you think it needs any editing?


I think it’s pretty good so far, you write very well and it’s flowing at a really good pace! I find myself eager to know more about what’s happening with Mira and her family. Great job!


Totally, I’m really enjoying it! It’s like super hard to find either a complete or WIP Warren Peace stories so I’m super happy I found yours! 


Hello! This may seem strange to do but I’ve been looking through my activity board and I realized there’s a lot of people I never properly responded to. So I’m just gonna do a real quick post. Thank you to all of the authors that write stories! You guys are amazing and take time out of your own lives to do something wonderful and I’m really grateful to be able to read all of these amazing stories written by so many talented people. 
          Have a great day guys!