
Hey! If anyone needs someone to listen or talk to, I'm here! (If anyone is reading this..) Whether it's been a day, a week, or a year, I'll try to respond. I am super excited to meet some others that share similar interests with me. :)


we should probably start talking here, I think :D
          and no problem, I just wish I could check out your fanfic but I'm not at all familiar with the original source material


@Salintha I agree that we should talk here instead. 
            and it's nothing special. I just wanted to work on something on the side while I figured out this whole story.


Hey! If anyone needs someone to listen or talk to, I'm here! (If anyone is reading this..) Whether it's been a day, a week, or a year, I'll try to respond. I am super excited to meet some others that share similar interests with me. :)


@GeekyPotato I know that feeling, but every time I've tried to just start over, I got too intimidated and went back to what I already made :D
            Maybe you just need to look at it from a different angle.
            This is purely my view on this, but if I were to write something using your plot, I'd start with Hanna mybe discovering her powers (or whatever seeing the world differently would be called), then being capture or something by this organization, who explain what Hanna is currectly experiencing.
            Maybe they make her feel like this power is wrong, or a sickness, or something, so she will go along with the tests so she can get rid of it. There she meets the other characters you've mentioned, and they figure out that the organization is lying, and they try to stop them, for example.
            Of course, you can do this in flashbacks, so teh reader only gets a few pieces of information at a time, and when they re-read it, it will all suddenly make sense, but I find this unnecessarily difficult (I'm also kind of lazy) :D


No! Thank you so much these are all things that I haven't really thought of. I've been thinking about the story over the last couple of days and kind of just want to start over. I might just scrap this idea and maybe continue it after I write a couple more stories. But, I don't know if that's a good idea..


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@GeekyPotato that sounds pretty interesting, especially the part about seeing the world differently - I'm not sure what to imagine there exactly, but it definitely sounds like something I'd be interested in reading :) 
            Although, I think it will be a bit tricky to explain how tests like this would solve the 'problem' because while I was reading the plot summary, I immidiatelly thought about surgically removing the part of the brain that causes this, and that would be too easy :D If you're not sure about how this works yet I could help you try to brainstorm something, if you want.
            I'm not really sure I understand the part about the organization killing Donna's parents though. They kill the parents, so they can have more control over Donna, but if they don't have a problem with murder, why not just kill Donna? I'm sorry if it seems like I'm trying to poke holes in your story,  that's not my intention. I just don't really understand that part :)