@GeenaBeena96 Okay!
Email me and we'll get sorted with details!
('_>3 my fish says hi!
Duz it look like a fish?
Lol if it doesn't!
Email meh remember!
@hey_itz_peaches Its okay babe i knew it was you. you text me (: and okayyy xwill doooox i havnt wrote anything yet. got looaads of ideas thoo xxxxxxxxxxx
Ginaaaaa! Itz meh charlotte! :]
Yus your life revolves around meh! >___<
No joke itz meh I joined yesterdaii. :/
Glad youu and salter (See told you itz meh!) Are good! :/
PLEEEEZ PLEEEZ read my stuffs. the kandii katz one is sad but i wrote it in year five. :]