
Is it weird that sometimes I’ll reaf a fanfic on here then wish that it was a published story so I can write a separate fan fiction off of the premis and OCs of that story rather than the original story that it’s based off of? Idk it seems weird but also at the same time not, I need a second opinion, does anyone else do this?


          	  idk, and if it's based off the actual story........ IT GOTTA BE ACCURATE-


Hey when are you gonna update your fic? Are you waiting for the actual series to end? Are you just out of idea’s? Or are you just not interested / motived in the story itself?


If ya ever need help with the fic i would be glad to help you (just message me for more privacy) but i get you writing fics can be complicated  so take the time you need 


@JeremyTheoret I’m really sorry! I am planning on updating the fic I just can’t garentee when. There are certain chapters that I think I need to rewrite first so I can open myself up to different paths for the story. I’m also looking for additional info in the real series because right now I’m in a bit of a dead zone so to speak.


Is it weird that sometimes I’ll reaf a fanfic on here then wish that it was a published story so I can write a separate fan fiction off of the premis and OCs of that story rather than the original story that it’s based off of? Idk it seems weird but also at the same time not, I need a second opinion, does anyone else do this?


            idk, and if it's based off the actual story........ IT GOTTA BE ACCURATE-