I understand this can be a hot take but if I talk about politics with my family I get yelled at and in trouble
I think everyone should be taxed 20% of their yearly income. people are... and I feel like a pretentious entitled bitch saying this but... poeple are naturally prejudiced against People with privilege. but being better off doesn't inherently make someone a bad person and someone heavily discriminate against can still be a dick. if we were taxing the poor a higher percentage than the wealthy that'd be unacceptable, but, and even though everyone will deny this, it's classism to tax wealthier people just because they make more money. people get paid vis a vis how much they work. a ceo a major tech company is obviously gonna make more money than someone who works at a fast food chain and that obviously doesn't mean the fast food worker should have to pay high taxes but neither should the ceo simpley becauseof their job. any time a minority is in any unfair situation as they often are they are, rightfully so, upset. but conventionally privileged people deserve the same level of fairness. that's what human rights and equality is. I am 150 billion % against discrimination and bigotry of all kinds but, as much as that applies to minorities it also applies to majorities and anything less is just as bad. you can't pick an choose when to be lenient or fair, that's not how being a decent leader or person works.