Anti-bullying is a cause I feel very strongly about. I was bullied in school as a child, and I was hurt, alone, and afraid for a long time. If it weren’t for a good friend of mine, I might not be here today. Sadly, I occasionally face some form of bullying, and earlier tonight, I did. I was hirt at first, but I remembered an important lesson I was taught to get over my past trauma from bullying. I have the power to reject the treatment and stand up for myself. I just need to let myself have it! So, here’s an important message to all the writers out there. Don’t be discouraged by haters. They either see you as a threat, are jealous of you, or are just plain unhappy with themselves. It’s not up to them whether you get to be a good writer, artist, or whatever you wanna be. It’s your story, and now’s your time to tell it. If you love your story, then that’s good enough. And if others decide to be hateful and use mean words, then it’s their loss. And to all the haters, remember this: your words have a way of coming back to bite you. The things we say (or text, in this case) may seem harmless, but words can damage someone to pieces, sometimes to the point where they’re beyond repair. A wise someone once told me that if we can’t be masters of our mouths, then we become slaves to our words. So, if you’re thinking of saying nasty things about others, just don’t. It can land you into all kinds of trouble.