Okies uhhhhh so this is a thing. Tagged by @Call_Me_Sly to do 13 interesting facts about me....There's not so much omg ;u; lolz uhh
1)My friends call me a snail, because I'm tiny, "cute" (as they call it), and slow.
2) I'm very open so I usually make friends easily. Normally (so not normal lolz) I start with a do you like this fandom or food haha
3) When I'm upset I either like to be alone or cold...yes cold lolz like I turn on cold water to calm my butt
4) When my friends first met me they were scared af lolz majority of them thought I was either mean or just didn't like humans
5) Asian but fails to be one with the Asian stereotypes: Shy and etc. (im more "bad ass" and hyper as a friend calls it)
6) I. Hate. Math. Yes! I hate it with my soul, I just want it to go awayyy like why is it even a thing ughhhh
7)I'm into things that give me an adrenaline rush, like horror games and roller coasters. However, I'm terrified of heights. I wont pass out but man I will bug you til we get off lolz
8) I love a lot of animes but my fave will ALWAYS be Hetalia.
9) My friends ship me with Romano from Hetalia (I don't know why, I think it's a horrible ship lolz we would beat each other into a pulp)
10) My friends and I literally ship each other with each other (lolz don't ask, that's just how we are)
11)My friends and I RP hard af lolz like we literally argue everyday as France and England.
12) I'm a party animal, I would be all over the place but I don't drink. (funny huh? haha didn't expect that did ja? jk) But yeah if I did drink, I'd probably act more sober
13) I can't drink coffee...I mean I like it and all, but I can't stand the weird after taste...which is why I usually get smoothies c: ahhhh sweet sweet fruity tutti smoothies...
I have no humans to tag, therefore I'm done! BYE HUMANS! :D