I might start this account back up, but don't count on it, I'll talk more about it after school is over (About six hours left) so that we can consider it.
I'm really sorry for leaving you lot, and this sudden random announcement actually is happening because one of my first children decided to write me a song and I was crying in class over it.
I guess I didn't realize how many people actually truly cared about this account. It was really selfish to leave, my reasons were literally just school and mental health, and I should have considered all of you amazing people before making such a decision.
If I am to come back, I wouldn't continue books (Might re-write something, though), I wouldn't keep up with the roleplays, and I wouldn't read any books here, although, I would talk with everyone. It would be a purely social account.
Once again, I apologize, thank you @Christy_diAngelo for giving me so much love and missing me so much <3
I love you guys. I'll make sure to discuss more about this after my school day's over, and see if I can truly handle all of my children again. If so, then you can expect me to be more active! Your responses won't be responded to until my school day's over at 4:05 American Mid-western Chicago time, and I apologize for that, but expect something by the end of the day.
Once my school day's over, maybe we could also catch up with each other? I've changed a lot, which includes a major shift in Fandoms (I'm in TH, LotR, Sherlock, CH, LU, and more now. A lot less Hamilton) and more stuff of course.
I can't wait to talk more about this with you guys and see what you think.
I really truly love you guys,