I have some terrible news. Well to me it is terrible at least. Keep in mind that I don’t hate anyone. I have seen many videos talking about police brutality and other things and I can’t take it anymore. I’m not gonna dwell too deep into me irl but my dad is a police officer and it pains me to see that he does an amazing job and his profession is being trashed. Police can step over the line, I won’t argue but saying police purposely beat people senseless is taking it to far. Yes I’m biased because my dad is a cop but most of these “police brutality” videos are taken after the person who’s getting arrested threatens or puts the cop in some sort of danger. A great man (aka my dad) once said, “Police are the thin blue line in between Order and Anarchy.” It hurts to see so many people who risk their lives on a daily basis be thrown insults at their face and are losing their only jobs that help them support their family. I’m sorry for ranting, I just needed to get that off my chest.